it’s gorgeous car
it’s gorgeous car
EV degradation curve is steep for the first year or two but then flattens out. In 2016 my model S could do 270 miles on a charge. I purchased it when it was 3.5 years old and had 50k miles on it; then it would charge to 250 miles. A degradation of 7.4%. Today my car has 135k miles on it. It charges to 242 miles, so…
“Clean coal” powered tanning beds.
No one has yet to convince me that these vehicles are any better for the environment that ICE vehicles.
Then let’s also cut oil subsidies and let the invisible hand of the market pick who survives.
It seems like you think your experience with an electric car battery will be like your experience with cell phone batteries, that is simply not accurate.
And truck nuts.
And don’t forget the 7 LED lightbars you added to blind everyone so they can’t see you tiny peen.
Don’t worry, you can still do it by rolling coal.
Yeah, and nobody’s mentioned the fact that these things are useless below ~120 MPH.
All the stars.
Any street car with a huge aluminum spoiler.
I was really hoping you’d reply with something this painfully ignorant. Thanks dude.
Any FWD with a huge aluminum spoiler?
Light bars and lift kits in suburbia. None of that is needed to find your way over to PF Changs.
Moot. Just sayin