Kerry Chandler

My favorite anti-Trump jab wasn't the one you mentioned from Coulson, it was Bakshi hitting on a female assistant by insisting that he take her furniture shopping. Brilliant.

I loved this episode. I think the Agents of HYDRA story is maybe a bit contrived in its actual plot, but it's beautiful in its execution. Definitely a major step up from the Ghostrider storyline, which was…fine.

The promos for this episode were insufferable.

The idea that she would just give up the hood even when her brother is literally going to die just felt contrived to me. If they aren't going to let her wear the hood, I'd rather her just leave the show entirely, either by going to be with Arsenal or by death.

Saw this last night and started crying. Came to work today (high school teacher) to the golf coach ambushing me about taxes, saying that they are "punishing people for being successful." We make $42k starting pay in our district, 100% from tax-payer money. But taxes are too high and punish people for being successful.

Oh, really? That's pretty cool. I was just thinking about how the Voyager spacecraft was sent out in the late 1960s (right?) and only just now exited our solar system pretty recently, so I couldn't imagine a 1963 spacecraft being able to actually reach another star system in 100 years.

Yeah, its good if you've got time for it.

I also felt like the sex was just gratuitous. Sometimes it had purpose, but mostly it was over the top.

Haha…while I enjoyed the show, i think that's a great description.

I was happy when it turned out to be fake. I was watching the first episode and was like "This is so stupid. How could they possibly get to a habitable planet in 100 years without ftl travel?" Good twist, there.


One thing I didn't like was how it was obviously edited to be 6 42-minute episodes. It was kind of jarring at each of those breaks.

Thank you for the transcript. Based on it, I say they DID identify the bylaw: it's that Jax gets to request that his own club gets to throw out the mayhem. I still think that's really clear, especially with the transcript.

Okay, let's just wait two days. When it unfolds, whoever was wrong can come back and admit it here. Good ?

Because THEY are the ones voting to kill him. But, yeah, we'll see.

He did say what the bylaw is: it's that SAMCRO gets to throw out the mayhem. The council is NOT SAMCRO. The RO in SAMCRO stands for Redwood Original, Jax's charter. He asked for SAMCRO to "throw it out." He wasn't asking the council to throw out the bylaw.

Thank you, that's it. "Throw it out" means to carry out the kill. Throw out the mayhem. He specifically said SAMCRO, abd the guys at the table are Sons but NOT SAMCRO, which is Jax's specific charter, Redwood Original.

Haha…yeah, I do, too. I don't hate-watch it the way I do "Under the Dome;" I actually enjoy it, just recognize that it's complete trash.

RE Mack and Bobbi's secret agenda:
In the comics, Mack left SHIELD for awhile to work for the CIA after helping expose Nick Fury's illegal invasion of Latveria (if you played Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, which was a really awesome game, that same plot is the catalyst for that games pseudo-Civil War plot). I was thinking

I'm holding out hope that Mack is still alive. He's my favorite of the new characters this season.