Kerry Kilos

guys, Brian Barrett contacted me to let me know that i have been unbanned due to a flood of requests for a reversal of his decision. i just wanted to thank you all for the support. we truly are a unique community...

"Lexicon Luthor" - this is what they are whispering in their homes at night, as my vile tongue of villainy has licked the salt from the wounded universal declaration of human rights in the name of something sinister.

somehow still posting - either from the ethereal semblant of existence on purgatory's threshold, or from the lingering warmth of the afterglow, kerry is still bringing that underground gangster shit. i owe it to the community. for those of you who would cast a stone at my glassy facade, know that you are only a single

where's your book, playa? i suppose if i posted corny ass one liners, stupid ass gifs and puns that are loosely affiliated with the content, i could go on posting crass drivel unabated forever. my shit is polarizing, and because motherfuckers see me composing prose that obviously took a little skill and effort (that

this is a fantastic idea. i wish i had one of these to clean my fucking kitchen.

my swag coalesced into a sentient being and walked the earth. inevitably, the world would turn its scorn against my swag-son, and destroy him completely. but lo, from his ashy waste would rise a burning phoenix of enlightenment to cover the planet and wrap the whole of humanity its warm, loving embrace.

my swag coalesced into a sentient being and walked the earth. inevitably, the world would turn its scorn against my

you're a sick, nasty little man brian. i will find a way to is this persistence that took me to the top of the corporate ladder. had i stopped whenever i encountered a little adversity...where would i be brian? where would you be?

the night provided cover for us, as we backpacked through thick jungle. the wet air, hot and heavy with a musty pungency flooded our lungs. we huffed and wheezed with exhaustion behind our guide - chopping away a path ahead of us with a black machete. i was in the middle of the pack, largely unburdened- not counting

had a hard time finding acoustic panels that would blend in with the decor of my office. the expansive wooden floors and vaulted ceilings create an echoing problem.

as the day wore to a grinding conclusion, bill addingsly worked up the energy to climb out of his chair and lumber toward the elevators. he was at the ass end of a 14 hour shift, and was moving on autopilot. bill couldn't wait to get home and lay on his couch. the office was, for the most part empty, save for some

"i'll have another", i said without looking up from my seat at the bar. i was the lone patron at the shadowy little bar, almost forgotten about in the basement of a historic old hotel. the bartender, clad in a old-fashioned silk vest eased over to me with a cocky kind of relaxed cadence and tipped the decanter above

not from a book, bozz...the cat is mistaken.

been had this...

unfortunately, you would have to be a follower or regular reader of my posts to ascertain fully.

i pulled up to the lot in peach colored panamera, and circumvented an impeachment of the office politic-type through a brash display of circumlocution.

"i trust this won't cause any more problems for us", i said as the head of the port authority thumbed through a brimming envelope across from us. his fat belly giving his faded blue uniform all it could handle, he placed the envelope flat against his desk. drumming his fingers on the desktop, clearly feigning a few

the sleek boat exterior slid and sliced through the water all night long with the engine screaming in a monotone. the pitch-black surrounding of the caribbean coupled with running the boat without any lights at all, made it impossible to gauge our speed as wind and ocean spray pulled at our faces.

the time piece is wrought with diamond cuts on my wrist so i call it the suicide watch.

the harman kardon soundsystem in my jaguar f-type gave my girlfriend an aural fixation, then - when banking a turn at road ripping speeds, her nipple freudian slipped out her top. had to name the whip oedipus.

...saw that coming.