I think Courtney Stodden looks really good in that bikini (I’m not joking, I think she looks great and it’s cute) buuuut... did she stick that directly to her skin? Taking that off is going to be painful. Bad idea.
I think Courtney Stodden looks really good in that bikini (I’m not joking, I think she looks great and it’s cute) buuuut... did she stick that directly to her skin? Taking that off is going to be painful. Bad idea.
I offered to make my husband a sandwich on the weekend, and he turned me down. What does that mean? Is he getting his sandwiches elsewhere? Is there an Ashley Madison for sandwiches?
There’s a lot of fakes. There are dozens of emails from the whitehouse.gov domain, which doesn’t even host emails. White House people use the “eop.gov” for their emails.
Is the current dress code so lenient that everyone is prancing around in glittery American Flag nipple pasties and nothing else? I don't think of congressional interns as dressing anything near unprofessional. Maybe this new dress code bans those super sexy shift dresses or Forever Twenty One blazers that make men…
But they're not really terrorists because they're mainly white Christians trying to save babies from the brainwashed harlots. Uh duh.
Right-wing terrorism will be one of the greatest threats we must deal with, in the coming decade. Galvanized by a neoreactionary status quo that convinces them they are under attack; enabled by outmoded and timid government policies that weaponize their paranoia; and brainwashed within echo chambers that the Internet…
Security guards at women’s clinics are awesome. Last time I got a checkup at Planned Parenthood, there were abortion protestors outside. I felt incredibly agitated until the security guard opened the door to the office for me with a big smile on his face. The security guard in this story averted tragic disaster.…
I will NOT be orphan-kitty-pelt-suit shamed by you or ANYONE
Already are for years. Kurdish peshmerga fighters. Unfortunately, mostly they are just holding on in Northern Iraq keeping ISIS from spreading into Kurdish territory. The ISIS fighters fear them because being killed by a woman will prevent them from entering heaven. Nothing so pathetic than a “grown” man believing in…
The ending of Cabin in the Woods sometimes makes a little sense, doesn’t it?
I’m not even sure I wanted to know this. I can’t fathom how her poor parents felt. I’m sure that nothing could be worse than what they imagined but having it proved is awful. I’m sure that they never believed that she was a willing ISIS bride.
Well great job Kentucky, you get two stories today about the fucked up shitty way you treat your gay brethren. Fuck you and fuck your chicken.
That her FB wall isn’t batshit crazy... or at the very least cheesey and full of jingoistic, overly cutesy reshares. At least tell me she posts a Minion picture with relevant quote per day.
One word. Surrogate.
I would totally go. And shove everything that wasn’t nailed down into my oversized bag! Then take selfies with everything in gold gilt!
No, it’s real.
There is no fucking way this is not a photoshop...