
I’m convinced Jesus is real, because there is no way double sided sticky tape is that powerful. That tape had some footprint on the sand moments where sometimes they were both holding kim’s boobs, and sometimes the tape faltered, and that's when Jesus carried Kim's boobs.

This was pretty much my thought on the whole thing- Ramsay is a monster, doing as monsters do.

This is honestly the most beautiful case of legal trolling that I have ever witnessed.

I fucking am pro abortion. It is a legal fucking medical procedure. If you want to get one, get one. If you want to get 12493087120390, get that many, then. If you want to purposely get pregnant and get an abortion, fucking have at it. If you want an abortion because you don’t like the sex of your baby, or the father,


...of the 234 women recently rescued by the Nigerian army after being abducted by Boko Haram last year, a staggering number of them—214—are pregnant.

If I were Sofia I would eat those fucking embryos on toast like they were fucking caviar.

So who’s gonna prevent HER from getting raped?

My conservative little cousin says he will move to Canada if Hill wins. I was like, dude, really? Conservative bastion of misogyny, Canada?

Hope they quit the US when Hillary wins.

It’s nothing more than a collection of sad dudes in shitty marriages.

Thanks, but I’m just about done taking political advice from dead white guys.

My kid’s high school does a pretty good job at this. The students are called out on any sexist/racist/homophobic bullshit 100% of the time and nothing along those lines is chalked up to “kids being kids.” Gay teachers share their stories on Ally Day, and two kids have come out in front of everyone at assemblies and

I can’t deal with this shit anymore. I want to move to a different country.

Silly bees.

You heard it on Kitchenette, folks: Phil is a penis.

Gotta be honest, never thought of this. Thanks for pointing it out, cuz my first thought was, "well, what if you're rolling silverware, etc when things are slow?" which is still not really fair either.

There's nothing wrong with teaching little girls (or boys) that the whole world doesn't need to see their underwear. But the right way to do it is to put some leggings on the kid so they can wear a dress if they want and still do a headstand.