Cocos closet makes me want to human centipede myself so I can wear multiple pairs at one time
Cocos closet makes me want to human centipede myself so I can wear multiple pairs at one time
Omg thank you!!! I literally sing this about 12 times a week lmfao!!!!!!
You know what pisses me off? That I went to a political really like 2 weeks ago for the democrats and this shit wasn’t going on yet. I know she started her bullshit conquest a while back but really I want do sure what the judges response would be yet. So now I’m wondering about Jack Conway’s position cause we have an…
Hey I just took a look at the operation rescue website and it has a number you can call about any health complications a patient might have from an abortion. They swear to keep it confidential. I thought it would be fun to prank call. Anyone interested?
I live in Kentucky and am so embarrassed by her actions. It’s bad enough people think we can’t read and don’t wear shoes . . .
They hate abortion, birth control and premarital sex. But I guess it’s not much, right?
Are you serious? They think a woman killing them prevents them from entering heaven. How the fuck do you know thathat ( not that you lie, but references to the Koran?)
Once I hear this shit, you have run out of refills lollol #sorrynotsorry
I live in Kentucky and the religious wackadoodles are up in arms over her, painting her as a martyr. I wait tables, and its so uncomfortable having customers be so candid in from of me about how much the lgbtq community disgusts them.
I know right? She’s just a dumb small town girl that helped ruin a great organization that serves, what 11 million women and men a year?
Im wondering if this interview, in her mind, was built up and in a way she felt like she was playing this important role of crusader. I’m sure the pro life dude behind it built it up in her mind that she was saving babies ect. In reality she’s betraying her sisters
In what way?
Found her on fb. Not very crazy from what I see, so what pushed her to do this interview. I’m wondering if they paid her
I wish I could borrow it from you. I would love to read it but I’m so broke, with no end in sight. Was it super juicy?
This pot girl grew up held in her parents prison of forced expectations, and if now housed in a prison once again. May the courts one day have mercy on this girl. What she endured is a form of constant ptsd
I make 2.13 an hour. For the love of God, raise my wages!!
True! I live in my as well and totally agree with you! but we Have idiots like anywhere else
Even my husband know I would wreck this guy. I would wear him down to a nub. Mask, no maskmall, empty socket, whatever. Momma likey!
I still want to send this woman some money and wonder where the proper channels are. Her fight isn’t over and until it is she needs support.