
@pixelhaus76: Agreed; I had two interviews with them for a new store, and the hyperbole shit in the job interview was so thick I had to bring a barf-bag. Srsly, we get that your excited about your products and your jobs, but it's nothing to cream your jeans over...

@TheNimboo: Nah, that screen is money and it's just a matter of time until someone cracks it. Besides, I'm a computer tech, I mess with them all the live long day; NOT having to mess with my phone will be nice for a change.

Just ordered my Droid X, come on Motorola! *

@maddencorner: Word for Crucial. It's fun to pore-over latency-timings and voltages but sometimes I just want to find out what RAM I need to upgrade Grammy's computer.

Or just run the automated Windows Repair tool.

@battra92: You can defer school loans when unemployed (and apparently while enrolled half-time!):

@ealexand: True. Generally very good people but the social dynamics of the culture just baffle me.

@Polybius: because he wasn't perfect.

@plesiosaur: Yup, a little trust and information go a long way in maturity. Problem is, there was no Google until I turned 17, and I would've been hittin' that shit up versus WebCrawler or Lycos.

@norazi: Also X, though I wonder if it really is too big. After playing with one at a store, I'm addicted to that screen but how's that going to feel when I'm trucking down the street and I have a brick in my pocket?

@plesiosaur: Same. I'm imaging the whole "ban-my-kids-from-using-the-internet" thing isn't going to go well, since I work on computers for a living and every eight-year old has a smartphone nowadays. Terrifies me actually.

CLEAN YOUR CARTRIDGES; sorry to yell but after dropping $40 more on new cartridges, I figured out running the self-cleaning and realigning (Deskjet series) will give you at least a quarter of their life back.

@geolemon: You know, everyone rags on XP x64 and I've never had that many problems with it. Granted most of my users are just cruising Lotus Notes or Office2007 but it at least gets around that 3.25GB barrier.

I actually have one sitting on my workbench right now, and I'm crying that its running 32-bit XP. At least I get to vm OpenSuse.

This is why I love Evernote: I have a folder called "To Read" and come Saturday or Sunday morning, I check out the interesting articles I didn't have time to fully appreciate.

Change people's backgrounds to Burt Reynolds on a bearskin rug when they don't lock their computer. Or manicorn.

The bow-and-arrow will always be number 1.

@njso18: Agreed a thousand times over, that was my first thought on the bumpers. They've never sold accessories alongside a massive product launch.