@RikD: Yeah I dunno, I guess the shitty baseball players make the news too.
@RikD: Yeah I dunno, I guess the shitty baseball players make the news too.
Resident Mac-guru strikes again!
Mike Arrington = douche
@Aristeia: lulz, my exact thoughts
Good they might be doing something other than pretending the problem doesn't exist.
Also worth noting: don't sell yourself short. After college (right when things went to hell), I basically sold my soul to find a job that paid minimum to start and barely made 7.25 after 6 months. Not bad in terms of raises, but pay the bills that shit would not.
No need for explanation, this is what it does:
@Quine: It is true that the old apps were kinda shitty; having not used one of the new apps yet I'll reserve my judgment of quality. It's just funny how Apple does something and it's now the bees-knees amongst the general population.
I love how these flashlight apps are now all the rage with the iPhone 4 launch when developers have been making them for years.
Alternative: keep your shit backed up and just reinstall Windows.
@teh1andonlym0: lulz, my clients always say "usb key" and it hurts my brain.
@Korrupt: Ewww. I'd un-enroll myself before I installed McAfee.
The IT Dept. at my college made us install and run this before we could connect to the network; great for 2003 but honestly haven't used it since.
I got super-excited that this post was about HL...damn.
@EpiphyteCorp.: I'm one of those nutcases that can easily burn through a few episodes of a show per night; kudos for making something last that long.
@Korrupt: Word to that! I've watched so many seasons of shows like Dexter, Leverage and Lost that I'd be bankrupt if it were pay-per-view. Hopefully they can sustain the subscription-based model they have.
I still don't get the appeal of iTunes pay-per-view model. Maybe for the average noob, sure, but a typical season costs you fifteen or sixteen dollars just to rent.
This is the first thing I would do if I had an iPad. Not that I would buy one but if I did...
@ssj4Gogeta: Agreed, OC'ing definitely has it's uses, especially with encoding. Given the choice, though, I'd pay the money to have an SSD and make the overall system stupidly-faster. Just my .02.
While I love these kinds of articles, here's a protip: go solid-state. I made the jump this last weekend with the Intel X25M and I cannot believe how much faster my quad-core system is.