
@fluffywarthog1029: I agree on the clunky, im actually studying for an Engineering degree in Design and Interface Psychology and the un-intuitiveness and general lag drive me nuts. Its indeed bloated but for as many things it does right (media libraries, transcoding, DVR-like streaming and recording with tv tuner) I

Srsly no love for Windows Media Center?! Install the Divx Plus pack on your media server and high-def MKV's are right at any of your PCs' or extenders' needy little fingertips.

VOTE: Windows Media Center and Xbox 360

@makkura: As someone with a B.S. in Psychology, you're on the right track about defensive-ness (?).

@Scott: I went through this earlier, and a battery pull set me right with DL'ing the update.

@Mickets: I used to work for one of the DOE national laboratories and they used OfficeScan; needless to say, I ended up installing Security Essentials and MBAM on a lot of infected computers. It was good enough at catching bad links and drive-by-dl's, but if a virus actually got through the network and on a system,

Soooooo my X won't pull the update, just keeps saying something to the effect of "can't find the update server". Any ideas peoples?

@Rask: Also interesting - Trend Micro is srsly crap. Their corporate client OfficeScan is even worse too.

I'm pretty sure he's supposed to be a Geisha. Stop with the Fox News journalism-style, Giz; you're better than that.

My OS has Microsoft Bob, your argument is invalid.

yay for, and hooray for non-biased information about drizzugs.

I recently got a Droid X and I love the thing; anyone want to point me in the direction of some articles on the best apps / organizing / tweaking techniques?

I had so many shitty roommates in college, from the stoners that never did dishes to the redneck that shot up our apartment with bb-guns. Generally good people, but could never wrap their heads around a mutually-beneficial relationship.

@Jukebox hates exclusive content.: Yeah, I go back and forth like weekly, but the push lately has been that Chrome uses Windows internal database for validating CA's. Mozilla keeps their own open-source db for CA's, which I agree more with. Wish I could find the article...

Ah sysadmin, the job where you do the most but are appreciated the least. I was a pseud0-sysadmin (Admin privs everywhere except AD and our network) for two years and it's great to be THAT guy that knows how everything works and what IT policies are in place; but shit if it wasn't the most stressful job! Someone

@acidrain69: Couldn't have said it better. I have the Core edition and it runs everything I need it to (including Crysis, har har har).