About damn time.
About damn time.
VOTE: Hiren's BootCD, Google, and experience.
Magical Jellybean Keyfinder works pretty much the same way, except it's free.
I've pretty much given up on torrenting, so I usually just encode all my rips to mkv's with Handbrake. The tinge of OCD does make me feel the need to shutdown my computers at night though.
@RoFLKOPTr: Not gonna lie, I lol'ed. Last thing you wanna hear when you're in the zone...
Not showing up in Software Update for me...anyone else havin' the same problem?
Of course I'd hear about this after tediously combing through 7 gigs of pictures from the last eight years and four computers...
DVD Decrypter to rip, DVD Shrink to remove extras and subtitles, Handbrake to encode to MKV for streaming to an LG BD390.
@DaSRoT: Word, I prefer the old B&W silent-films. THAT was innovation!
I gotta be honest, I couldn't give two shits about 3D TV, movies, games or anything in 3D. Seems like just another gimmicky innovation.
Good list! The utility Caffeine is pretty indispensable to me when watching movies on long flights, or even just watching something on Hulu during my lunch break.
AA battery as a stylus? My OCD just went into overload, God knows the kind of effects that could have on the preciouses.
@Elizabeth Kaylene Barone: We IT-folk always love the self-help our users take on sometimes, but if something just works then we are pleased as pigs in shit. It's when people are smart enough to open msconfig and start mucking around that we get cranky...
@Falaris: Hmm, I'll definitely have to give it another try then. I'm the same way, mind going faster than I can keep track of and always thinking of stuff I need to write down. Thanks for the tips!
I don't get all the hulabaloo behind Evernote; everyone here loves it and I've never found it all that useful but then again I'm probably doin' it wrong. Any tips, suggestions or ideas as to why Evernote is awesome?
that is genius. and here i thought martha stewart wasn't good for anything in the winter except frosty-cold-bitch jokes.
@karelj: i went through the same process, used handbrake for some stuff and never fell in love with it. dvdshrink always just works for backups.
Interesting, since I built my new desktop with the EP45-UD3R (Goddammit, should've splurged for the SLI board). Will this work with the UD3R board as well, cause that would be just gravy...
ahhh, where would my life be without the cable-catcher idea?
VOTE: none, reimage the whole system