
My friends’ littlest (2), bless his heart, is a monster. When he is losing his mind over not getting his way or not being presented with food instantly I’ve found that he’s a goner until whatever he’s mad about is off his mind. I don’t think there’s really any self-soothing at this age - all their mind can process is

Would a baby gate work in the 2 year old’s doorway?

I thought the exact same thing.

They do wear out - a friend was able to break the plastic side wings off of a closet-stored Britax Advocate (so not a cheap seat) just with her hands. The seat was only a few months expired.

I’ve heard of parents doing this and wanted to suggest it in my reply, but couldn’t explain it as eloquently as you just did :) This is a great approach.

No kids here, but I feel the same way. Kids get punished for lying but it’s ok for their parents to perpetuate a lie for years? And that this “person” is always watching them to judge whether they deserve gifts or coal? That’s hella manipulative. I’m not down.

My mom complains that the white ones look like engorged ticks.

This this this this this this this this

A couple of your responses included “Fit more shit in the Fit” and that was a huge contributor to my purchase. When I was in the market (2009) it was Fit or Versa, and the Versa had an ug face and the Fit has a fold flat Magic Seat (and I’m partial to Hondas). I can also camp in the Fit. My tents haven’t failed me

I’m planning to remodel my next place with an IKEA kitchen...good to know it Fits :) But your poor rear suspension.

Play your cards right and you can spill it down the HVAC vents too! There’s a high cupholder on each side, btw.

As anemic and rattly as they are, Fits are such fabulous haulers that you can cram into any scrap of parking space. I’ve been able to fit interior doors* in and closed the hatch easily. I’ve also hauled 3x5 backerboard, a water heater, all kinds of tools and materials to remodel my condo, and too many wedding cakes

Have any friends with large dogs? Dogs will scrub that thing spotless in no time (at least mine would).

I agree. My disabled uncle was run over by an 80 year old who couldn’t manage a red light (he’s ok now).

Gosh I miss him :(

I was gonna say just that - I’ve been dismissed from jury duty because all of the defendants that day plead out so there was simply no need for juries. The entire lounge erupted in happiness when they announced that. Contrast that with the next time I was called for jury duty and was juror 32 of 35 on a panel for a

The code for the mini speaker isn’t working :/ What am I missing?

The code for the mini speaker isn’t working :/ What am I missing?

Because it hurts the fee-fees of those seeking to purchase a gun.

I haven’t worked in foodservice before, but lately when dining out I’ve taken to stacking our dishes (largest to smallest, same sizes together), consolidating trash into one place, and putting utensils in a cup. I saw this mentioned on BCO (RIP). Is this cool to do or not? If it is is there something else I can do

Jesus vapors