
I’d like to piggyback on your advice about cleaning car seat straps - it’s ok to use a baby wipe on them but they should never be soaked/submerged for cleaning (same thing with the buckle/buckle tongues). The reasoning is that saturating the harness webbing can cause the fibers to swell, which in turn could affect


No matter where you go, they all smell like vomit

I want to poke fun at him but yesterday I spent a good few minutes looking for a hammer that was literally inches from my eyeballs when I realized it was missing so I have no skin in this game.

Your story is just about mine word for word. My piercing salon didn’t even charge me because my ears hadn’t healed through and they technically didn’t “pierce” me - just ran a tool through and broke up scar tissue and had me wear studs for 3 months to get the piercing back into shape. I haven’t had any problems

Once upon a time there was an infant seat with a flexible, adjustable “messenger bag” type strap to make carrying it easier. Bummer that it hasn’t reappeared, ‘cuz it was pretty nice.

I would be so worried about losing my grip on the handle hinge in the method above. If that happens the seat is gone. And the handle

Online ordering is a gift from heaven. Panera even offers to have your order bagged and on a shelf waiting for you with their system. You just walk up, take your bag, and leave. 

Agreed. I only ever go with coworkers and even then it’s because we can’t agree on anything better.

But SOCIALIZED MEDICINE IS EVIL!!!!111!!!!1!!1!!!!


My friend’s kid keeps herself entertained in the car by drawing all over everything within reach of her car seat. Minivan with no resale value or a quiet kid...I’m not a parent so tell me the logic here.

I went from commuting from northern San Diego county into Orange County to a company a half mile from my home. My commute went from over an hour each way to 15 minutes at its absolute worst. I once caught all the lights when heading home for lunch and got there in four minutes.

I agree about the mental health

I’m in the area often, can confirm.

A few hours later and this would have been significantly worse.

It seems to be a bit of a gray area - fortunately we’re in California and the state is good about enforcing healthy habits, but it looks like it’s down to individual cities to come up with regulations regarding wafting smoke. I can’t find anything regarding my city. There’s also the issue of provable damages - my

Agreed. My car is maintained on schedule and all records kept. Problems that pop up are attended to and I refuse to let anyone else drive it lest their crappy driving cause it harm.

My mom on the other hand probably couldn’t tell you what engine oil is for. She has also caused thousands of dollars of damage to the

If this were implemented Enterprise would terminate my account tomorrow.

I hope that those numbers are studied by an independent organization so we can have concrete proof of this nonsense.

I’ve also shot a 45 (once). Two of my coworkers put their hands on my back to keep me stable and I am NOT a tiny little thing. That caliber really has some punch to it.

I’m in a similar spot - the assholes next door smoke and it keeps getting me sick. So it’s all my fault that I need to breathe.

This made me chuckle - an acquaintance of mine (in TX) drones on and on about how vaccines are toxic but was overjoyed when Michelle Obama’s school lunch requirements were tossed out so her kids could get “tasty lunches” at school again. And you know they’re tasty because they’re full of crap that’s probably worse