
For so long, the series had lacked, in my view, any recognizable shred of real exploration...

That’s fair, though I think that outside of Majora’s Mask and Breath of the Wild, few other games in the series have felt like Link is just one person in a much larger world

It says a lot about our fucked up tax laws that it is cheaper for companies to make a show like this or Snowpiercer or Batwoman and never release it than it is to just release it. Especially when we are in the middle of a writers strike and the pool of new content has to be drying up.

After three dozen articles on the game here, I was wondering if someone would still write an actual review. This one was an interesting read.

I’m reading that it’s cancelled from Paramount Plus but will be shopped around to other platforms.

There shouldn’t be lifetime appointments of power in a democracy.

It’s true if it’s not Crash 5 then I don’t care. 

Just news would be great.

At least you aren’t a Mother 3 fan. Know how long we’ve been waiting for that game to come out in the US? 17 years.

No Metroid Prime 4? (or remakes of 2 and 3)?

I want to get the Arkham trilogy just to see how badly Arkham Knight plays. This collection was supposed to come out a long time ago, so one would hope they have made it play as best as possible, but I always love the idea of playing games in a broken state (so it’s a great time to be a gamer!)

Mario Wonder and Warioware (of course) really encapsulate that wacky, experimental, just fucking WEIRD side of Nintendo that’s made me a lifelong fan of their work so I’m happy to see that side of them alive and well after the last few years of bland, sterile Mario stuff.

It is kind of amazing that it was possible to buy the Metroid Prime Trilogy on Wii U for $10 at one point, and now we have to hope and pray to get the full remastered trilogy for $120 someday. Nintendo really went maximal “screw you consumer” and suffered not even a little bit.

What’s that, you want Metroid Prime: Federation Force 2? Comin’ right up! 

Can’t a guy get a Metroid Prime 4 update around here?

A couple of years ago they announced Metroid Dread in such a direct, so no, I’m not gonna keep my expectations in check.

Of course Hillary was right to call them deplorables. You just can’t say that shit out loud because let’s face it, elitism doesn’t poll well, even among people who agree with her. As liberals we don’t like to publicly admit we think we’re better than anyone else. 

Deplorable is the perfect word to describe these miserable people. I’ve never seen a more miserable (agrieved, angry, visibily unhappy) crowd in my life. Right after Clinton made her comment, I was in the grocery store and an older woman came in wearing a shirt that said “Proud Deplorable” - and man was she a bitter,

The fact that some people think this loser is sent directly by God to save America blows my mind and makes me feel like maybe Clinton was right when she made her ill-fated “deplorable” comment.

I would bet the majority of Trump voters thought he was scum or at least knew he was a “successful” guy because he lied,

The most spectacular dine-and-dash in history! No one has ever seen anything like it!