
@Timmy: He's surfing YouTube on his own?! I have no idea how smart kids are these days, but that is both impressive and potentially concerning, right?

@Samo: I think it's really "ice-bear-g" with his accent and all.

@Deadsider: Mushroomhead, Gwar, KISS, Hollywood Undead, etc.

@ThisIsSharksTerritory: I have a 250GB HDD at home and feel it's too small what with the games I just bought on Steam. FEAR alone requires something like 17GB to install. Install multiple games like that, Adobe Master Collection, etc, and you have little hard drive space! I can't imagine running with an 80GB HD as my

@McWeary: I wouldn't be surprised if the magazine industry soon has governments post cops at book stores to prevent people from reading through their magazines without buying them first. That is obviously a terrible thing you're doing... stealing their hard work and all. You deserve to be put in jail for millenia!

@iSee: What phone has an on/off switch? Wording gives people a loop-hole there, right?

@destryer: The top portion of that razor looks like a double edge razor, which certainly isn't like chopping down a tree. It's damn smooth!

@Rev Slow: I switched to DE razors about two years ago and have been really pleased. I mean, the blades are $.50 at the most, and you can use two sides. That's convenient and inexpensive. Awesome shave too.

If you buy a 3D Bluray, can you watch it in just 2D?

@Simonovski: I have an unrooted Evo. Do you think getting rooted is worth it?

@HarroChan: I have Tasker and love what I've set it up to do. Need to look into how I can make this work.

I wish I could select one keyboard for portrait layout (Swype) and another for landscape layout (SwiftKey). Anyone know of a way to manage that?

Shouldn't the title read something like "A House in Which to Get Lost and Forget About the World"? Right now it's a command for a house to get lost and forget about the world.

@Yeah!: via OnLive?!

My dad has a saying that's always stuck with me: "90% of the things you worry about never happen; the other 10% you can't control anyway."

@minimaltek: Are we playing GTA or is this IRL? That greatly affects my answer :-P

Just wanted to say thank you for choosing Lamb of God for the artist in the picture.

I keep hearing him say "Sim-a-lator" instead of "simulator". Drove me nuts!

@medopal: And it somehow makes more sense that with all the rest of the things in the Universe that a creator placed us here on this dinky planet and within our lives we decide where we will spend the rest of all eternity?