@bios: This isn't the first time I've seen this happen either. Weird, very weird.
@bios: This isn't the first time I've seen this happen either. Weird, very weird.
What caused this article to show up on the front page earlier, and then disappear for hours?
I don't know how else to post a question like this, but there was an article just below this one not but a few minutes ago about a computer called NELL. Then I tried to reload the page, and the article is gone from giz and the front page. What happened to it? It was an awesome article. I was wanting to send it to some…
I don't think there's any way to exit the program after you start it up. Not even using the back softbutton takes me back to my homescreen. Lame!
So this is basically proof that the world will end in 2012. Good work, scientists!
@xsbs: Certainly seems that way. I'm pretty sure we only hear of patents if they relate to Apple. I wish they'd spread the love around. I'm sure Microsoft, Google, etc have some patents worth hearing about.
Since when is Gizmodo a celebrity gossip blog?!
The links to for Harris Shutter Effect just link to the Gizmodo tag page. This isn't the first article that I've noticed does this, and it's very frustrating.
@JDickson87: I'm pretty sure the new Apple iPods got many of their own posts just last week.
@bobdobbs: Video games aren't my only frame of reference. The composition of the picture reminds me of the game though.
The quality of this picture is terrible. It looks like the orignal Half Life game with all the jaggies on the powerlines.
@shiraz: And your commenting on this blog with your opinions is somehow a greater use of energy? Think how much energy you waste just by running your computer and monitor in order to read the website, and then think how little power someone's search uses on a server that is already up and running and processing…
@loosejello: That's odd... I tried Ctrl+Backspace a little while ago, since it made sense, but it wasn't working. Now I see it workes in the version of IE I'm using, as well as wordpad. It doesn't work in Notepad though... strange. Maybe it's just that Notepad on XP is crappy.
@loosejello: Whoops, I guess I got Ctrl+A and Shift+Home all mixed up. It was early in the morning in my timezone.
@Lazzzara: See my reply to @loosejello!
@freakboy9: On Windows you can use Ctrl+Shift+Home to highlight all you've typed and then start typing over it.
@Twanzio: Haha, I thought that exact same thing! Glad I wasn't alone!
@Rontourage: I feel completely the same. I really used Twitter and Facebook when the users were close friends and people I actually cared about. As time goes on, remote family members, coworkers, or other people join, and I'm more or less obligated to "friend" them. And since I don't really care to have them know…
@Stem_Sell: Ender's Game'd?
I have that same pair of boxers, but fortunately I am not wearing them today. That would have been weird.