For multi-tasking, they need to have each app have a frame that can be resized, moved around on screen, full-screened, minimized. Then they can sit side-by-side if you want to look at a browser while writing an email.
For multi-tasking, they need to have each app have a frame that can be resized, moved around on screen, full-screened, minimized. Then they can sit side-by-side if you want to look at a browser while writing an email.
More specifically, I thought I could get over the awful layout but then you forced me to watch an ad for 15 seconds before even displaying the content. That's what broke the camel's back. I'm not going to sit around for 15 seconds just so I can look at an article for what might be a fraction of that time. I neither…
Making me watch a 15 second ad before showing the article, the terrible layout, abysmal navigation scheme, and - again - all the intrusive ads... This is ridiculous. Giz, you've lost me as a reader. Your content seems to be going downhill anyway, but the layout and ads are the real kicker. #whitenoise
Why are nearly all the images on the home page being blown up to fill the width of the column? Makes Giz look really tacky with all these pixelized images.
The EVO has a Snapdragon in it, so maybe it'll also get the treatment.
"Get shit done" is a lot more succinct than "get things done". With the NSFW articles posted on this site, I think we can also say that's not "professional". But it at least means we should all be grown up enough to hear swear words. Not all cursing makes people sound dumb or unprofessional. Only excessive amounts of…
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: Is that a UFO!? No, silly, it's ball lightning!
Please keep us up to date on when parts 3 and 4 come out!
@trs: They need to install a fan to stir up the air a bit!
@all_in_wonder: Just think if it had been used on a populated area. Hiroshima would look like a pebble in a pond compared to the hurricane of Tsar Bomba.
@TendoMentis: The planet took a shit when the Soviets actually detonated it back in the day. Largest nuke ever blown up.
@Sidetalker: How do they not run these posts through a spell checker first? Heck, Firefox has one built into the text fields. I don't understand it!
@siggy13: If you need to hold it, you're doing it wrong.
The snow baby in the last shot is adorable. Awesome experiment!
@samuelk: Who actually has kids these days? :-P
@darlosity: I thought we would find out, but ... We still don't know!
@aarongmoore: Pretty sure the mass of everything we've ever launched into orbit is completely irrelevant in comparison to the moon's mass. Don't worry, the tides aren't being affected at all.
@NorthernRoamer: I've actually not heard that before, but it's really interesting. I thought you were going to say something silly like during the Cold War because of nuclear threat, lol.
@NorthernRoamer: When did the entire human race almost become extinct?
@Akhen: Wouldn't you need the keyboard for apps (word processing, etc) and storage for media on the go? I would watch a movie without a keyboard, for example.