“..bear in mind , only Americans tend to celebrate an American holiday, so if the poster wasnt from there that’d make sense..”
“..bear in mind , only Americans tend to celebrate an American holiday, so if the poster wasnt from there that’d make sense..”
“Is there a ‘good’ time to close down an entire studio and send all its employees home?”
“Oil prices continue to be woefully low even after they stopped flooding the market as an attempt to crush shale gas and oil and despite Trump’s stupidity most of the world is pushing for renewables...”
Man, I fucking hate this country sometimes. Race relations are utter shit right now. If you even look at someone cross, they call you racist. DON’T SAY ONE WRONG WORD!!!!
“This isn’t just about this game, folks.”
“...again, some are not seeing the BIGGER PICTURE here.”
“The 2000$ dollars and whatever bazillion hours to unlock things is straight bullshit. And the game is fucking awesome to play.”
“...so... as per usual - internet just blowing stuff WAY out of proportion without any actual experience with what they are bemoaning.”
Totally agree. I just completed the mission on Pillio and thought it was fantastic. I agree with most of the complaints about the overly complicated multiplayer advancement system in the game, but the single player campaign has been worth the purchase price for me. Of course, I’m a lifelong Star Wars fan.
“Lost my Parents when I was 17, but they prepared me for life on my own in ways I never expected or realized.”
Is this like, “I’m a loser because my parents made me do it”? I feel like if you made it to adulthood, and you aren’t a sociopath or physically damaged after years of malnutrition, your parents did a pretty good job.
“We’re always told not to judge a book by its cover, yet somehow hiring managers have the ability to accurately judge a human being’s potential career with their company by a single noticeable flaw in a cover letter.”
“If your resume is good enough to speak for itself you don’t need to bother with a cover letter.”
All the pissing and moaning can’t stop it now. The time to act was Nov. 8th, when everyone with a vote had the choice between option #1 or option #2 (Donald Trump).
“Report that shit. Would you take a ride from them?”
Shaking up the industry!!! Breaking the taxi cartels!!!
“It’s a fucking video game congress. It’s just a mother fucking productlegislative branch. If you don’t want to play the game, don’t buy it keep up with current events. It’s like, if you don’t like a movie, don’t see it. If you don’t like a comic book, don’t buy it. The developer government has no responsibility to…
“It’s a fucking complaint about a fucking video game, you ridiculous whining hypocrite. Don’t read it.”
“Because people can only care about or advance one cause at a time...”
It’s a fucking video game. It’s just a mother fucking product. If you don’t want to play the game, don’t buy it. It’s like, if you don’t like a movie, don’t see it. If you don’t like a comic book, don’t buy it. The developer has no responsibility to you whatsoever. You aren’t entitled to jack shit.