
“Russia is still the leader when it comes to missile tech and this was because they have invested so heavily in it over a very long period since they came to the conclusion that they couldn’t compete with the US in pure numbers.”

“I hope Tesla keeps doing stuff like this.”

“what the fuck are you talking about? do you know how long and expensive that would be for the government to do? to go through, audit every single individual who signed this list and create a case against them?”

There’s no way this is due to a real drop in viewership. It has to be due to a YouTube change to the recs and/or search algorithms or a change in what constitutes a calculated view, like watch duration, unique IP, etc.

“I was always confused as to why YouTubers were blaming the system, when they really should just understand that people tire of things and jump ship. Yeah, I’m sure there’s some mysterious glitch that MAY exist, but come on.”

“...I don’t think viewership has really changed. If how it is calculated has change, then I can see how that’s annoying but there’s nothing that can be done.”

“yeah good luck proving that when thousands of people do it. i’m sure the government will be all over that.

“But if it’s a self-registration, then anyone could register and maybe register other people. Hello Mrs Chanandler Bong, you are now a muslim in the eyes of the Government. Let’s add Mike Pence to that list too.”

“...non-muslims who also register. a muslim registry will be as useful as the phonebook.”

“So why did they vote for him? I wish I knew the whi...I mean right answer.”

“No you see, what you do is buy that and then just say it’s comparable until everyone starts believing it.”

“Is there a single grown up in Washington who will speak out on this mountainous pile of bullshit?”

For anyone who didn’t vote for Hillary in the general and is wondering what that strange feeling’s shame. And regret. Get used to it.

Don’t forget, everyone! — we have to stand firm behind the belief that Hillary’s appointments would have been just as bad...right?

“Somebody realizes this.”

“Denying him the opportunity to do it again seems like the best course of action.”

“Can we please stop paying attention to this guy now?”

“Not really. He hit the social media lottery. There’s nothing remarkable or talented about him...”

“Exception or not, IT HAPPENED TO ME! And I’m a generally pretty healthy, if only just getting into fitness, 29 year old woman.”

“And speaking of starts, I pretty much am your example. I never had even entered a gym in my life until September 2016. I started this summer with situps and dumbbells at home. From said situps, I developed lower back pain and I worsened an already existing issue with rotated hips, all in the matter of about six