
Right, if the company’s still in business by then. I like Teslas as much as the next guy who can’t afford one, but a lot of people are glossing over the real and significant business risks they face.

No irony there. Vatican City is tiny. It’s like a big house. He didn’t say “Let everyone into your house!” He basically just said, “Don’t be a xenophobic, small-minded racist @sshole.”

It doesn’t work that way. He isn’t invulnerable, but rest assured, eternal damnation awaits any who would do him harm. ;)

Different Pope.

Actually, public will directly translates to the public’s willingness to part with money. In fact, the public’s willingness to part with money, i.e. fund projects, is almost the only measure of public will that really matters.

The will is there for a manned mission to Mars. “Will,” however, is a subjective and open-ended term. The public will is there to fund a manned mission to Mars as a long-term project, but obviously not as a short-term project we’d be able to fund over six months or six years.

“I see no national or international will that is long enough in perspective or vision...”

I know that Mars isn’t as comfortable as Hawaii, but it’s still amazing to me just how “mild” the surface is compared to the surface of every other world in the solar system.

You’re right. Not stupid. I just find myself constantly surprised by Beth’s positions on athletic articles. Her perspective always appears quite limited, and I think she enjoys taking contrarian positions.

This is so stupid. Ask a 45-year-old if their performance suffers after a terrible night of sleep. Sure, when you’re 20 or 30 it doesn’t matter because hardly anything does at that age — you can run a marathon after eating a Big Mac — but sleep duration and quality sure as sh*t matter as you get older.

I worked closely with law enforcement for 11 years. You’re clueless. You have no idea what you’re talking about or how techniques like this are actually used.

Sorry, we’ll just agree to disagree then.

Actually, just because you use “actually” in a sentence doesn’t actually mean that you know what you’re talking about. You don’t. Planned Parenthood helps millions of women each year, most of whom don’t “actually” have an abortion, which, by the way, is a woman’s legal right.

Who suggested that?? Reread what I wrote, and I worked with law enforcement for more than 10 years. I never met an investigator so stupid that they would entirely rely on an inadmissible technique, but they’re not going to ignore someone who’s giving all the common signals of someone who’s lying through their teeth,

Right, no one’s suggesting that you throw someone in jail based purely on how long they stretch out their “Nooooo,” but what separates experienced investigators from inexperienced investigators are usually these kinds of things — gut instincts based on experience. When you’ve seen enough people lie to your face

Let the GOP take their fake-@ss ethical stand and force another shutdown. They’re grandstanding. They’ve had decades to defund Planned Parenthood. This is just Washington theater, so let it play out. Do the shutdown, watch the stock market crash, and then see who comes out of this looking better. People stop caring

Waaa! Both sides do whatever they can to hurt the other. That’s politics, and both sides are just as dirty with it. The GOP has only approved a fraction of the federal court nominees the Obama admin has put forward since 2008, and that’s just one of the ways they’ve obstructed this administration. I say let the GOP do

Right, and Obama has the power to veto as well. Just like Congress has the power to approve budgets. Both sides are gonna do exactly what’s within their power. I don’t really care because another shutdown only hurts the GOP. They’ll get blamed every day that the stock market drops until they finally cave and approve a

Eh, let ‘em do what they want. The Dems will just use it to fundraise and win the election next year. Obama and every Dem will say, “When the stock market crashes after this latest shutdown and costs the American people hundreds of billions of dollars in equity from their retirement accounts and mutual funds, we can

Bullsh*t. Planned Parenthood is not a “front” for abortion, but it wouldn’t matter if they were because abortion is legal.