
If anything could reasonably be considered official canon in the Alien universe, it would derive from the brains of Ridley Scott, H.R. Giger and the two screenwriters who wrote the first film, since the movie wasn’t based on an existing work of fiction. As Scott also did Prometheus and was completely at ease with the

Uh...what? It is absolutely canon. There is literally no question about it.

I wholeheartedly agree with this. As a self-employed person who works from home, distractions and decisions (because every decision drains a little of your daily willpower, even trivial decisions like “Should I click this link now?”) are two of the most important easily forgotten aspects of productivity. I’d also

Do we know if this is being applied across the board, or will Apple weigh each situation before making a judgment call?

Yeah, no. Games will look better each year of the PS4’s lifecycle. That’s not opinion. It’s fact.

He wouldn’t be able to handle it for long. There are breasts out there. He’d be exhausted in no time!

I’m sorry. I disagree. A summer movie should still be good. A movie with this much cheese should come with a dietary warning. The last Godzilla looks like King Lear by comparison.

I’m sorry. I disagree. A summer movie should still be good. A movie with this much cheese should come with a dietary

I saw it and rolled my eyes at least a dozen times. It’s cheesier than Wisconsin and makes the Twilight movies look like The Godfather by comparison. The original was a classic, but this was an almost unwatchable retread.

I saw it and rolled my eyes at least a dozen times. It’s cheesier than Wisconsin and makes the Twilight movies look

I’m so f*cking tired right now...

Excuses, excuses...

No, I’m responding to you, OddPhenomVox. You’re making excuses for Allen Iverson.

And you’re making a classic mistake when referring to others who’ve made bad decisions: excuses.

Yeah, but the guy was a grown man. The league, society, sports writers, etc. may have packaged him up as something to sell, but it’s not as if any of it was done despite his best efforts. He drove the bus off the cliff himself. That was no one else’s fault.

Agreed. But it is sad that someone with his apparent physical advantages didn’t make the most of them.

Uh...because that’s what I knew him for — what he did with a ball. That was his claim to fame. And with said ball, he f*cking rocked. He played tougher on the court than people literally twice his weight.

The writing in this franchise has always been top-notch fantastic. Some of the best times I’ve ever had gaming have been with a Fallout game. I. Can’t. Wait.

It’s basically impossible without creative masking or making them very small dimensions. A GIF is a sequence of regular images. If a single small .jpg is 50KB and your .gif runs at 15 frames per second for semi-smooth motion, even that’s 50KB x 15 per second of playback. 750KB for one second. A 3 second GIF would be

Worked as a systems admin for 12 years. Agree with everything here.

This is another one of those articles that misses the practical application angle as far as older people is concerned. Food may not ever “rot” in your stomach, but if you’re 45 or older and mix certain foods together you’ll blow sh*t up in the bathroom.

I don’t think that’s the main driver behind the popularity of free-to-play. I think the main driver is the free part. You get more people to bite when something’s free. I think it’s as simple as that. A lot of awesome, fully formed mobile apps, in particular, are free-to-play with in-app purchases being the revenue