Every time jez writes about Miley I come to the comments to see the latest version of mean girl comments about her. I liked the things she said about her mistakes and not cheating. I don't get the hate.
Every time jez writes about Miley I come to the comments to see the latest version of mean girl comments about her. I liked the things she said about her mistakes and not cheating. I don't get the hate.
Your comment is as homophobic as it is transphobic. This is not the fantasy of a trans man, the creator isnt trans and you assuming trans people are fantasizing about being cis is gross. The “hypocrisy” of lesbians who are attracted to trans men? Lesbians are not into men dude, plenty of straight, queer, bi and pan…
Please let’s all agree that he needs to spend the rest of his life in prison and nothing else is good enough.
If he doesn't end up in prison (with Epstein and Weinstein) we need to riot.
No jury will find him not guilty. I can't believe that could possibly happen and after Cosby I have hope it will not.
Hollywood really is trash
If women aren't getting raped left and right is it ever really suitable for teens?
Alabama is terrible but I don't have a problem with this.
Why won't she address this herself and defend this other woman? She could use the moment to talk about how women are treated when they interact with famous men or fan toxicity but no she has to be a diva.
I think it's more of a " I don't want to be amongst the masses when shit goes down". Which is even more stupid because what a normal human would get out of that scene is that we can't let the rich keep becoming richer and the poor poorer until only the super wealthy survive what the rich are doing to a world that…
Metoo out there taking the garbage out.
This is horrible. Why aren't more people talking about this?
You are consistently pretending he didn’t choose to pursue the exchange and choose to sexually harass her. This is the right response to such harassment. If the exchange had happened in person it would be harassment and it is now. Online doesn’t mean immune.
Yet everyone is focused on Berny as he's making a play for the racist, misogynistic Trump voters.
Are his comments about rape being natural the joke or is it the fact that he actually thinks the thing ur trying to say is a joke?
I know right. It was a good natured "you can do better" what is wrong with this writer? Aren't we supposed to be trying to make children's entertainment more inclusive?
Killing Eve is back! Why can't it be on Netflix so I can watch the whole thing in one sitting? 😭
It's still an uphill battle but we're getting there, he didn't make a comeback.
He is obviously inappropriate with women to say the least. He is not a good candidate for the metoo era. Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren are my bets.
Someone is spending more time than they would like looking at women's behinds and it doesn't seem like it's the sons lol