Kerk Crotchlickmeoff

Your initial complaint was not about Mon-el and some random girl in CatCo, it was about Kara sleeping with him.

He did NOT just meet Kara.

That's actually a very natural thing to do. You tend to listen to the parties that don't have a dog in the same fight. That's why people are willing to spill all their darkest secrets to the priests and the therapists, or just random co-passengers on the train.

I did not see aggressive possessiveness. I saw genuine care and sharpness of mind. As it often happens, the bad guys detect other bad guys way more effectively than the good guys. And given his story, it is no surprise that he would be the one to smell the fish first.

"another"? Who are the others?

Because she knows him well and went through hell with him.

I sure hope Superman will be in the season finale.

There was no balance. CatCo existed only to have Kara being mentored by the amazing Cat Grant. Her civilian life was never interesting or complicated. On top of that, she is clearly not called upon to be a journalist. She is decent enough, but in no way is she a sharp mind. Her calling is to save lives, nothing more.

From this day forth, let no one say that Gotham is a Batman show without Batman.

I got a real kick out of reading those dispatches!

Trump's election really seems to have ruined their plans. When last time Kyle and Ike ran off, I thought it would lead to something. But no, we see them back home, grounded. I think Parker and Stone are still so shocked that they don't want to make any significant points because any moment Trump can turn it all on its

So did anyone get the ending? The way to kill a member berry is to have a trans eat it?

I really don't get the point of "South Park slightly stumbles on the political and the comedy front because Garrison is not a perfect reflection of Trump."

What "previews" I found only one article that had some bad stuff to say about it. Though I'm new here. Is this a club of Zack Snyder haters?

And as always Snyder has to leave it ambiguous. Is Joker toying with him or does he really not remember?

What fringe erotica? Japanese hentai has been doing it for years now.

So I think we all agree that Pengy will be Chendler.

Gonna go crush some pussy, better make sure my consent papers are in order. Perhaps we'll settle on oral consent?

Sexism! We're equal! If it's ok to ask a guy, it should be ok to ask a girl!

Gotham is full of good actors, but suffers from superficial writing. What does Supergirl have? A female lead!