Kerk Crotchlickmeoff

Ok, that's a different story. I was not following his interviews, and you are saying that they indicate that it wasn't a part of the plan. I'm gonna take your word for it and check it out later when I have the time.

Hm…See my vision of that was them celebrating the end of the nightmare. After all, Sups did save the planet. Just like John Mcclain kissing his wife after he saves her plain, even though another plain was eviscerated. Granted, the scene may have been done better, and I've always said that they should have shown Sups

"theory?" "stealth?" They outright told everyone that this was an adaptation like a year ago!

Boy, is this a nice place I just found! All day rotating in the circles of people who loved the hell out of the trailer. Need to get some dose of hate before going to bed. What do we have on the table?…..

Are you sure that was a mistake and not a part of the plan? Got any evidence to back up your conclusion?

Ah ok. I hang out with PhDs and JDs, so I definitely aint cool at all.

No, can't agree with you there.

So…you liked The Daryl and Aaron stuff, and you liked Morgan stuff, but you hated the episode? Sounds to me like it's testosterone talking.

People are so easy to fool. Why is everyone buying into Joker's immortality all of a sudden? I'd love that, but it's not the case. Read Death of the Family and Zero Year. They lay out a full narrative of what Joker is, and if he was retroactively immortal, that would directly contradict those stories.

Morrison's run was a surrealist abomination. His Damian was a spoiled brat, and his Joker was a one-dimensional psycho.

There was nothing wrong with the previous suit. Absolutely nothing.

Sure, why make your life easier? Work for your thrills, smalldick.

Gosh, I never thought I'd live in the world where I could offend a bunch of people by calling myself "normal."

No need for an insight where none is due. You are giving "adult" cartoons too much credit. Boondocks is nothing more than a black guy's comedy, and Cleveland Show was an attempt at black guy's comedy, with mix of some other standard themes.

I've always said that Cleveland Show was a white's man attempt at Boondocks. Us whities just can't do a good @#$% impression.

Double posted

So let me get this straight. Fans hate the new Suicide Squad, because it utilizes the so-called beauty myth? What a weird thing to complain about in this particular case. First, Wallers here is young, this is supposed be to somewhere in the middle of here career. Give here 10 years, and she'll get fat from that