Kerk Crotchlickmeoff

No, the costume is a different thing, of course. Functionally, it makes no sense. It's too busy.

That's what I've been asking around for. Thank you for the input. Now, I can be on the look out for those things you listed.

But they should be able to tell how they know it.

So, you like Gustin because you think he is good at playing a well-meaning geek. Yeah, maybe, because that's what he is. And that's all he knows how to play. The authors understood that and wrote him in such a way. For 3 seasons straight. He does not grow in the show because he has no where to grow. Because he has no

Yeah, the time for "showing" is over. Snyder missed that opportunity, even tho he had 2 movies to do that. Now, he has to resort to "telling." The best we can hope for now is that when he is back, he'll be inspiring.

Yes, he does. We're 3 seasons through and he is still a crying, dumb, egotistical puss. You know, half of his battles could have been won if he just straight up rammed into his opponent. But no, instead, he chooses to stop right in front of them and initiate a CONVERSATION.

You misunderstand my point. I'm not objecting to what he says, I'm asking him to justify what he says. Any tool can throw empty criticisms like "X's acting's wooden," or "pacing is off," or "cgi is bad." If it SEEMS bad to you, you should be able to explain at least in general terms what exactly seems wrong. If the

Why? I've been asking around — how do people know when cgi is shitty? Do you have a degree in filmmaking? Is there a chart on your screen? What are the criteria, by which you can tell that cgi is shitty? And don't give me obscure "It does not look realistic."

Shows what you know about Flash. Gustin sux ass.

You still have to strive for clever, pleb.

Not a clever joke, considering that the image of this version of the car was released months and months ago.

Ridiculous! He has lots of personality.

You can't seriously be suggesting that Gustin is a big screen material. Keep that CW melodramatic shit away from the DCEU. Connecting universes only adds to the problems of each.

I know, you think you're smart, but simply saying, "This is trash" without explaining why you think it's trash and hoping that your readers will catch on to what you are saying, is unbecoming of a writer.

CW sure does love its "Liar revealed" trope.

You were complaining that he was insufferable in this episode as much as he was in the previous ones. And I pointed out that he was not.

I did not say anything about masculine/feminine division. Nor did I imply anything of the kind. He did not recruit Winn, he simply asked him to keep an eye on the guy during their work hours. That is not interfering with anyone's personal life or privacy.

No, I just think people hate him for wrong reasons. What sweeping decisions? Asking Winn to keep an eye on him? Get outta here! I'm saying that given his history, one would expect him to be able to identify bad guys better than Kara because he is not as wide-eyed optimistic about people's nature, as she is. But the

I can separate past from present. How he acted in the previous episode has little bearing on how he acted in this one. Like I said, I see no possessiveness here. If anything, this maybe a tongue-in-cheek message that he learned his lesson from the Mxy's debacle and is now trying to be more mindful of his feelings and

Ok, I see what troubles you. But I'm sure that those parents that call no-no on Alex and Maggie will also make sure to tell their kids not to act like Winn and Mon-El.