
This is absolutely terrible. I hope her family seeks justice.

Yea, that's what's so messed up about it. Jurors want a perfect victim when the perfect victim doesn't exist.

I was just wondering. I was also curious as to why you were incapable of looking it up yourself, but rather than ask you I decided to provide a link as requested. I corrected you for saying "some" rather than "most". Your comment read like rape victims not getting justice wasn't a big issue, as if it's rare for rape

It'd be used by the defense, yes, but to say it's unusual isn't really accurate. It's not really healthy to try to judge what's normal and abnormal behavior after a traumatic event. People respond differently. Some people lock themselves away from the world and situation, some people try to reclaim their bodies

"Some"? I think you mean "Most".

I agree with you completely. It's just infuriating that there are so many grown men that all know they aren't allowed to touch, know the boundaries but do violate them anyway. In my case the dude was 30 and absolutely new because he asked about my relationship prior to the assault and I explained my philosophy on

Dear god, why is this so common! It's infuriating.

You can't court someone who isn't interested in being courted by you; this goes for men and women. It's not just guys being clueless, it's guys assuming that their wants supersede anothers and then getting bitter for not getting what they "worked so hard for".

Same, did he tell you "But I(he) was leading you on. . .What did you expect." too?

You know what, I have met men like this. However, I've gotta say that those douche-canoes are in the minority. I have noticed that these are the same guys that like to say that all men are like that though (I suspect so they don't have to acknowledge that they are in fact ass holes).

So he insinuated he's a woman upthread to make a point (or was I just reading into it)? That's weird but I'm not surprised.

What?! It took me 19 years to figure out how to do that!

Sorry, I should have typed "Human Fetus" but others covered that so. Also now that I think about it, saying "human" is redundant . . . at least I hope it is.

I have a jib?!!

Apparently to Jrhj13 this is the case with her sexually mature woman fetus . . . :( gross

A human

Your fetus has a "woman's body"? Are you sure a barbie doll didn't just get stuck up there?

This is hilarious.

I was the same way :O
I don't feel so alone now.