
Maybe because he has matured over the last 10 years?

I think with any statement about the NBA this season, there will always be the caveat of “besides the Warriors.”

Playing the Warriors twice in their first 12 games can do that to a team.

Worse part of the Malone firing was that Cousins got sick and missed a few games that the Kings lost. That was potentially a 0.500 team.

If that includes smearing it in the shape of a swastika, then you and me have different definitions of “normal.”

I guess you missed the part with people smearing shit on the wall of a dorm.

Why wait? This is incredible.

I read an interview with Alex Garland where he mentioned he was upset by that 3rd act. I think it was not originally supposed to end up as a slasher film. Still a beautiful film - and the main reason I was not worried with Chris Evans was cast as Captain America.

He didn’t exactly quit the team. It’s one thing if he was healthy and quit to get ready for the NFL (like what people are saying the LSU RB should do). He is just decided not to come back next year.

He might get access to professional facilities and pro trainers (that he wouldn’t have as a student-athlete). I don’t know if it is true, but that might be the reason.

Good is relative. Relative to the past two years, we are good. Like, 7-5 or 8-4 good. Plus, I wouldn’t say we were lucky to beat you guys. After all, we had a 21 point lead (that we subsequently blew - and last year, would have blown).

How can one type of human being be more predisposed to anything than another?

But if you watch the 76ers, the players are playing hard and trying. They just suck. The analogy is that you bench the starters, but have the benchwarmers actually try (and not just bunt).

Too Soon.

Even Miles Teller is having a laugh at their expense.

Anytime a football player or athlete gets shot (cop or otherwise), it ends up on Deadspin. No narrative here.

This is kind of a spoiler but I loved the ending.

In the NBA, the Los Angeles Clippers (and I’m a fan of them)

This is more pre-emptive. Those negative comments are coming...

I think he was referring to last year’s 3. A lot of those guys have switched teams.