OK, where’s the money in it? You invest the capital and get a system set up, have competing rates and provide a service equal to or bettter than the trucks. Then perhaps I will book my freight with you.
OK, where’s the money in it? You invest the capital and get a system set up, have competing rates and provide a service equal to or bettter than the trucks. Then perhaps I will book my freight with you.
Holy shit! Blue sky. Wow, I’ve had these blinders on for so long!! :D
Wow. With all love.. When you engage in debate, try and remain on topic. Creating straw men and waving a red herring around doesn’t mean you have a valid point.
Opinions are like assholes.... everyone has ‘em. Meh, I’ve been called worse. :D
Gonna agree to disagree with ya there, “Expert”.
Your choice, go for it! Those are *your* principles and I encourage you to follow them.
See my other response.
Remember, winning an argument online is like taking gold at the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you’re still retarded.
Cool. No problem man. My current 2001 Astro is in everything you say a better car than my 1972 Beetle.
Oh the internet! Suprised you didn’t just call me a “fag newb”. Hahaha :)
Sadly, yes. Identity politics are becoming the norm, not the way it should be.
I’m honestly not disagreeing with you on Trump— I really don’t want him elected. And you’re correct in that politicians have long ago forgotten how to actually “serve”.
Ah, I must be an idiot since you so obviously know better. Show me your crystal ball! So far I have not been successful peering into the future.
No. Then where does that money come from? (Oh yes, overseas.. Money is not a *scarce* resource, it’s just some “thing” with an agreed upon value. Created by fractional lending and debt.) I’d love to see your theory, please elaborate. In the terms of the internet “put up or shut up”. Come at me bro.
“- besides money from overseas that comes to the US is how the US economy grows.”
Please don’t erode your principles. This is what got us here in the first place.
Hah, come on man. Perhaps you’ve never been in a committee, council, or board. Diarhea of the mouth does not bar someone from volunteering or being appointed. (Trust me, been there.) You’re trying to employ a tautology but one does not prove or disprove the other.
Again, there’s more than two choices....
Actually it isn’t. One thing probably happened, one thing is not guaranteed at all. Red herring.