Thanks for the awesome response! :)
Thanks for the awesome response! :)
But even if they’ve been previously vaccinated? That’s the part that’s confusing me.
Probably nothing involving Bland since she was already hauled off by the time the weird stuff in the video starts happening
Doctors in the most unvaccinated region in Australia said tetanus is the only shot people do get, because they know they can’t rely on herd immunity for protection. That really pissed me off, they obviously know with other vaccines they’re letting other people assume all the risk but still calculating on receiving the…
Nope, they’re not. My best friend is an anti-vaxxer. Her kid’s not vaccinated for tetanus - she maintains that it’s not an issue because they don’t live on a farm (where ruminant faeces is a vector). The (fortunately few) antivaxxer parents in the family practice that I work at haven’t vaccinated their kids for…
I would like to high five your sister.
My mom’s always injuring herself and refusing tetanus shots at the hospital because “they don’t do anything anyway” and I have to live in panic until I see if she’s going to develop lockjaw or not. Yup, she’s an anti—vaxxer who believes polio was already on the decline and the vaccine did nothing. None of my younger…
Because I have medical issues. It's actually more common than one would think.
Thank you for adding “douchecanoes” to my vocabulary.
Mississippi and West Virginia (and now California I think) are the only states that do not allow school children to be exempt from vaccinations for religious reasons. MS has the highest vaccination rate of school children in the country, I think. There have been attempts to change it in MS, but all of them have died…
It’s like Thetis bringing Achilles to the River Styx and then, instead of bathing him, shrugging and saying “Nah, he’ll probably be fine,” and going back on Food Babe.
This! I just looked up the vaccination rates for the county I grew up in (I had an easier time finding Georgia’s vaccination rates county-by-county than statewide, but I only looked for about 20 seconds). For the 2014 school year, of 310 kindergarteners, there was only 1 vaccine exemption (so a 99.7% vaccination…
My mother was born in 1943, and told me how terrifying the idea of polio was to them. She said “you just lived in fear” of getting it, and the Iron Lung was frightening to them. She told me what a miracle the vaccine was, and how elated everyone was to get it. How times change.
My SIL is a Christian fundie and anti-vax. I’m scared for her younger kids. (I’m pretty sure the older ones got their vaccinations, since she’s become more of a fanatic over the years.)
My parents’ generation (born in the 30s) did not mess around when it came to vaccinating their kids. They remembered having mumps or measles or whooping cough (my mom missed a couple of months of 1st grade because she had whooping cough), and remembered other kids getting various diseases and dying from them.
Vaccination rates are also super-high in community health centers that serve primarily immigrant populations. People have seen these diseases, and the necessity of vaccines is incredibly obvious to them.
You know, honestly, if someone can’t bring themselves to get a goddamn flu shot (as an adult, when all those fake-science developmental issues presumably wouldn’t come into play even if they weren’t fake), I’m not really sure I want them caring for young children.
Isn’t it weird? Particularly since the phony Wakefield “study” only implicated the MMR. Instead of herd immunity we appear to be seeing herd stupidity.
Where’s that “fuck everything” cat gif when you need it?
No one from Seattle should be allowed to be smug, condescending or insulting to anyone from the South until they get their vaccine rates up to Mississipi’s.