
You certainly make it sound like anyone who shops at CarMax is getting duped. I bought my car there specifically so I wouldn’t have to deal with slimy used car dealers, knowing full well they are not the cheapest. People want to tell me that I could have gotten a better deal but NOT IF I CAN’T LAND THAT DEAL! I’m not

I chuckled.

“I’m already not interested. It’s just one big computer. This is Avatar”


To the idiot nerd talking in the video: It is based on a computer game... sooo what did you expect?

What would a video game movie trailer be without some dismissive, hipster asshole mentioning “I’m already not interested” in the first ten seconds, as if he was forcibly conscripted to watch the trailer.

That guy, and I hope he is reading this...can eat my nuts.

I know this is first and foremost a public health threat but I wish more attention was paid to the fact that buying into the autism-connection myth demonstrates a profound hatred of autistic people. It’s one thing to say, no, that’s bullshit, but people who spread it should also be confronted with the fact that they

For anyone here who says vaccines are dangerous - the method used to produce vaccines has been studied for over 200, close to 300 years. Cars have been around for less. Microwave ovens have been around for less. VACCINES HAVE BEEN AROUND LONGER THAN HANDWASHING AS A MEDICAL PRACTICE.


But according to anti vaxxer logic, it’s better to be dead from a preventable disease than possibly autistic/vaccine damaged/wtf ever other bullshit they think (like breaking a bone after falling off your roof 30 years after a vaccine is a vaccine injury).

I' ve seen a lot of these people argue that vaccines aren't the reason why diseases like polio and measles have been eradicated. They argue that nutrition and sanitation are the real reasons why. They won't accept the evidence no matter how clear it is and their children will end up dead like this kid.

This weekend an unvaccinated six year old boy was the first person to die of diptheria in 28 years in Spain. His parents rejected getting him vaccinated and now he’s dead. A vaccinated child is much better then a dead one.

That’s a hell of a good article. Why am I not surprised that a chiropractor is highly involved in the anti-vax movement?

Actually, it is an important point. There’s a huge diversity in what mixed people can look like. They can look like one race or the other, neither, or both. The people complaining that Emma Stone should not be cast as a mixed race person are coopting the identities of mixed race people to suit their own agenda.

All of my cousins on my mom’s side are half Chinese. One of my cousins, who is married to a white guy, has a 6 month old baby who doesn’t look even a little bit Chinese. She’s got blue eyes and blond hair. So, it’s not IMPOSSIBLE that someone could be of partial Asian descent and not look it.

I agree with the outrage here. I do. But a quarter Asian person will mostly look super white. I know a few, and one in particular has the fairest skin and the blondest hair. My own half-Asian children have curly light brown hair. Genetics, yo. That said, They should have gone half-white, not full white. It was a

They are. The problem is they clump up, providing a community for the disease to circulate in and continue to threaten vulnerable members of the population.

I usually am the first to chime in on these articles (which I guess I'm doing right now once again) but honestly, this pediatrician is exhausted. The anti-vax stuff has been hitting the news cycle now thanks to the measles outbreaks occurring across our country, but I've been fighting this battle for >5 years, and

...which has nevertheless found itself split in two broad halves across a new party line: We are either pro-vaccination, or anti.