You’re a remarkable idiot
You’re a remarkable idiot
There’s absolutely no metric by which Jeong’s bullshit is worse than the shit above. Which, to put a fine point on it, was perpetrated by people IRL, and which had IRL consequences. Not even slightly equivalent.
Ahh, here comes the red pill moral equivalency crusader, to save us all and explain the hormonal science behind women’s enjoyment of kitchen work.
*gif of Krysten Ritter rolling her eyes*
If he didn’t personally identify her and just described her “condition,” he didn’t violate HIPAA. If she hadn’t tweeted “Hey, that’s me!” no one would have known it was her.
This is an awesome article!
Google is a big organization. There’s proper procedure to go through.
Oh seriously, shut the fuck up. I usually try to be more cogent and measured, but did you actually just say...
Some artists have the luxury of doing it for themselves, considering profit to be a “bonus.” These people are already either independently wealthy, or have family who can help to support them while they work.
Most working artists expect—and rightfully so—to be paid for their work. They work in advertising,…
Go jump off a bridge. Just because someone happens to enjoy their work doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be paid for it. You can’t just walk into a bakery and steal a loaf of bread just because the baker likes baking.
Artists do it for themselves and the profit is a bonus. The term starving artist exists for a reason.
“Artists do it for themselves and the profit is a bonus. The term starving artist exists for a reason.”
Spinning the tires does a couple things to benefit the Tesla. First, it allows the treads of the tire to self clean (aka eject snow packed in it with each revolution, providing a greater ‘bite’ the next time the tread blocks contact the ground. The second thing is is can dig down below the top surface and potentially…
To all the “there’s no traction when your wheels are spinning” idiots:
Yes, thank you. Wheel spin <> zero traction. Witness drifting.
It was getting enough help for it to be working. The truck didn’t get stuck because it had NO traction. It got stuck because it needed just a TINY bit more traction than it had available. The Tesla spinning its wheels was able to provide that tiny bit of extra forward force needed to keep the truck moving. This is no…
It’d be more impressive to see a Model 3 roll off the assembly line on time.
Ok, you’re up, NJ. Please go ahead and fix it, so I can stop waiting in line at a gas station with 16 pumps but one attendant on duty.
It’ll be better than Justice League