
Fucking. Awesome.

“Containing an estimated $1000 worth of hardware and games”

Loving this whole entire Noir vibe of the video. My favorite line “Someone got hurt, not the kind of hurt you get better from.”

This feature was also added to the PS Vita and PS TV with the latest update by the way.

There really is no good reason why developers can’t provide an option to adjust text size. It’s obnoxiously small in some games, and as the author pointed out, even people who can see just fine might have a problem with it. If you’re hunched over a monitor, that’s all well and good, but some people have their

sony really hit it out of the park in the minority department with this update. I dont need any of these features but Im so glad they exist

As a legally blind gamer: ABOUT DAMN TIME. Glass raised, Sony!

Way ahead of you.

The narrative is that it was a tsunami, so natural causes. Nuking their cities would have been a total Ghandi move.

I'm waiting for Summer Storm Thundaga.

Crikey, never noticed that. Like a sign of the times

Something I found absolutely fascinating about the 7 Samurai is that all the ones who died are killed by guns.

Now playing

Toshiro Mifune was a fucking amazing actor. Ever film he was in demanded you notice him and his character to its fullest. Even disregarding Seven Samurai (how the HELL do you do that?) taking 'Yojimbo' and 'Sanjuro' on their own just displays his range as an actor.