Ken We Bone

It never fails to amaze how sports leagues are capable of swift, decisive action when the purpose is to be a bunch of dickbags.

I have no idea what a fair assessment of Strong’s performance as coach is. But if college football were what it pretends to be, wouldn’t this basically be validation that he was having a positive impact in a lot of young student’s lives and, therefore, should be kept around?

Only after the check cleared.

Ya, sorry, the outrage meter isn’t registering here. Conan is and always has been a male power fantasy. The designers and artists have stayed true to the source material.

Every dumbfuck fan who calls into sports radio shows thinks that their MLB or NFL team would be better-off if it were managed by a fan or an industry outsider.

Just because the game’s using Robert E. Howard’s world and characters and is being marketed to men, she told me, doesn’t mean that it needs to cater to a power fantasy...

So lemme get this straight:

If you have a problem with the source material, then direct your ire there, not at the people who are trying to faithfully adhere to the source material.

That was such a quick, lighting-like strike. If only there was a German word for it.

He should be able to get a job in the Trump administration pretty easily.

Wow, trump really is returning all these jobs that immigrants stole back to americans.

This moral purity bullshit has to stop. He is human. Everyone has said something stupid or insensitive. This isn’t an “ominous tweet”, it’s a four year old distraction from the real problems we’re facing today. Foreign diplomats staying at Trump’s DC hotel in order to curry favor with Dear Leader. And Reince Priebus

“Somewhat undercut” by bloggers digging up useless shit, that should offend literally no one.

Because that is what we do now. We can’t let people do anything good in this world without sifting through their past to find a reason to vilify them.

It really really isn’t.

Yeah, not sure why this is “noteworthy” and why someone dredged up a 4 year old tweet?

Yeah, someone’s going to have to explain this one to me because I don’t see how it’s all that bad. Is it because the girls get... Drunk? And that makes them prey? Because that’s really not how I’m interpreting this.

Only one gross tweet? Trump has made hundreds. Thousands, maybe.

This is a distraction.

but noteworthy nonetheless.