Ken We Bone

links or GTFO

True story: As an undergrad at Baylor, I once had an Antioch member approach me as I was walking home from class. He asked if I had accepted Christ as my savior. Apparently, “I’m Catholic” (so, no) wasn’t a satisfactory answer. So he walked with me all the way home. When we got home, he invited me to Antioch and asked

The staff is super-liberal. The administration, just the opposite. I know several LGBTQ professors, librarians, admins, managers from my time there. Surprisingly, some even attend Antioch.

(especially, although not exclusively, when football players were involved)

Shut the fuck up and die, you white piece of shit.

My god. That’s some pure-grade White Privilege there.

“We”? Fuck that. You white sumbitches voted for him, he’s your responsibility.

Not really. He acknowledged that his players were guilty of it as well.

I may find things wrong or against my own moral code, but I don’t intend to enforce my beliefs upon someone else.

This is such a fucking stupid comment. Oh won’t someone please think of White people?!?! They’re soooo oppressed.

Thanks, White people.

Delete your account.

OOoh yeah, brother!

This is goddamn pitiful commentary, calling everyone that doesn’t agree with you a racist or racist pacifier is part of what got us here.

Thanks, White people.

Yeah, the West. Like Utah and Arizona and Wyoming and Montana.

For what???

Nope. We minorities have been fighting all our lives. This is on you, white people.