Ken We Bone

God, you fucking white people. SO easy to say “walk away” when you’ll never be called a beaner, nigger, or chink.

Right? Fucking niggers and spics.

BULL. SHIT. The election wasn’t lost because of a loss of leftist voters. It was lost because white people were scared of changing racial order and a generational push to the left. How is a fucking socialist east-coast academic going to bring them over. Most voters polled trusted Clinton over Trump in economics. It

If Sanders were the nominee the Dem turnout in urban areas would have been extremely higher.

GO FUCK YOURSELF, you White piece of shit. Fuck you and all your false-equivalence bros right up your self-righteous asses. Fuck you and your lack of any knowledge of any part of this election. Fuck you for making everything worse. Fuck you for existing.

Jesus Christ, the Privilege just oozes out of you miserable fucks.

This is an amazingly hilarious article.

We call that “Dentoning”

Gonna have to troll harder, boy.

Emails would not take up very much space, since they are mainly text.

Yes that’s how email clients work.

Neither was Clinton. SoS is an appointed position.

I voted against Trump in a massive Red state. It’s 0% on me, bruh.

[Citation Needed]

Don’t feed the Tomato Troll.

Ya boy lost. Get over it.

Hey, the White guy says it’s not offensive. Case closed, people.