This whole thread is full of salty Lebron James fanboy tears.
This whole thread is full of salty Lebron James fanboy tears.
Yeah LeBron was great, but that won't stop me from rooting against him every step of the way.
Great series by the Warriors. Anyone giving James shit at this point is either being stupid or obstinate; dude carried a bare-bones team to a six game series against a historically great squad. If the Cavs are healthy next season, they’ll be right back in the Finals.
What in gods name was so great about it? It was boring, period.
The Warriors are so good, they've already announced they'll be solving California's drought crisis by bringing the city of Cleveland's tears back with them.
Fuck you, Jeff Van Gundy, for sticking up for your friend so much that you ruined the call of that title.
It is nice to have something to point to when someone asks you why you don’t like anime.
This in turn makes the women feel like just another resource that you...
and it’s a good coverage! it’s just that we are a bit cranky lately, Android users, that is.
What you’re really saying is people who use apple products are sheep who buy insanely overpriced tech because it has a specific logo on it and have no issues spending absurd amounts of money on mobile games because they clearly have more money than sense.
Android users are more tech savvy, leading to higher piracy,…
The key differences:
Windows makes up 90% of the pc market.
Android makes up roughly 79% of the mobile market.
Making a game exclusively (timed or not) for iOS is moronic when only 20% of the entire mobile market can play it.
How come it is even still a thing that there is an Iphone version before Android. Android and apple have been near even in the smart phone side of things for awhile and just based on the sheer affordability there are more than likely more non phone android devices in use than Apple. Use your powers at kotaku to get us…
I wish I couldn’t stop playing it...but I’m part of that tiny little 70+% of the market that doesn’t use a fucking iphone.
But you have to admit, it’s a lot of pictures you made us scroll through just to get to the comments to complain about there not being an Android version.
u r so clever not ur.
If you don’t hate the Cardinals, maybe you’re the one who needs to see a doctor. Just not natural.
You mean the purpose of these conferences was not to hype up video games? Could have fooled me.
They showed off a bunch of new fighting techniques and sequences. Also the scale of the worlds, graphical changes (more realistic but still cartoony) and showed Sora fighting by himself which makes us know a bit of what the story may be.