Ken We Bone

You are totally right, I mean where are all of the different shades of brown and grey? Do we need interactive environments and crazy dynamic gameplay, won’t we get confused without some halo’esque on rails handholding? But hey, at least it’s got ducking and shooting, amrite bro?

-Xbone Fanboys

And just like Milo and Star Wars Kinect, I’m sure it’ll live up to its on-stage demo...

Sure they can. The Cell is wildly different from the PS4 (or any other) architecture, while the 360 was fairly standard. Emulating Cell on x86 is a herculean task, even on a cutting edge desktop workstation.

I think a lot of TV critics believe a series about a savage, war-torn, and ravaged middle ages world should subscribe to 21st century liberal sensibilities. Of course, no one was outraged when the witch was being gang-raped in the first season, because we only care about these things when they happen to pretty women

The rant is as needlessly pointless as the topics he’s rallying against.

Right? It’s like a contest to see who can be the most offended by a TV show. I wonder if one of them gets prize for being the most outraged about not having their exact social agenda displayed. I’m amazed that this piece didn’t use the terms “agency” or “problematic.”

This show is fun. It appears you do not enjoy fun

Of all the weak, seemingly-wannabe-edgy-thoughtpieces that purport to be worthwhile opinions on this shit, this is so far the weakest it almost hurts to read.

I disagree.


I’m sure you’re probably getting chewed out by other commenters already so I'll keep it brief: You are so, so, SO wrong

Android has 80% of the market share.

well we can expect the internet to be really pissed off about no android version, I know I am

So “WE LOVE OUR COMMUNITY” well some of them, the ones with Apple. They get a cool game. Android you cool . . . maybe? lol

Scumbag bethesda. Makes a cool game. Only allows hipsters to play it.

This needs to come for Android stat. :/

Well screw me since i dont buy Apple crap, right?

Please come out on Android soon :(

iOS only? You must be kidding me.