
Car that floats in water is a bad idea all the way around. Park the car and get a boat

To be fair, we did not have the internet 37 years ago. There would be problems on my cars that I would rage over if I could not Google the problem and find the unconventional solution a few clicks away.

Sports teams are worse than the auto makers. At least Ford builds shit. The Oakland Raiders still have outstanding bonds on their current Oakland Colosseum stadium and Mark Davis wants to move the team to Las Vegas in 2019 or 2020. The Oakland taxpayers will be left to pay the stadium bonds.

I think the theory is a tax incentive for a business to develop should then indirectly pay dividends back to the city in the form of ancillary benefits (more tax paying jobs, higher property values, less unemployed people to support etc).

The unfortunate question no one asks is, why aren’t taxes simply low across the board for everyone? Then no one has to file for “special treatment”.

The Model 3 I semi-understand, but trading in a Golf R for a Leaf? Jesus....

Any position where you are handling secure/proprietary information, financial data, or large amounts of cash/payments is probably going to check your credit. This is in both the private and public sectors (or applying for security clearance). In most cases, as long as you have “average” or better credit and can

I don’t want to pile on the bad news but major companies, like fortune 100's  have begun checking credit scores and debt ratios (in guise of criminal background checks) of possible job candidates. 

Again, the two most important unsolicited pieces of advice I give people:


“Oh man I got a speeding ticket. My credit score is going to take such a huge hit.”

Pricey, but everyone take note: this is how you do it, especially when you’re a safety oriented company (and not just marketed as one).

2bad so sad, honey.

I need a vomit gif handy for occasions like this.

Do you guys just not edit anymore?

And married people pay less!  If anything, being married made me way more likely to drive my car off a cliff. 

Can we talk about the 30% of people who think that their driving record affects their credit score? It’s astounding the financial illiteracy that’s out there.

Right or wrong the insurance companies system must be based on hard statistics and that’s why the continue to use it to set insurance rates. Where you live matters because of the percentage of vehicle crime and accidents “real or faked” in your neighborhood. The credit score part I don’t get, maybe it’s a way to show

Oh, hey”

On this generation, "SC" meant Super Coupe.