
You’ve got the wrong idea. This is an Intrepid motorist.

It makes sense. It’s still stupid though. 

Yeah you’d think that would be a good place to start but I’m not an engineer so what do I know?

At least you don’t get shitty winters too. In Kansas City it can be 110 in the summer and -30 in winter. We only have about 2 months, maybe 3 months out the year if it’s a really good year where there are consistent days in a row that the temperature is tolerable outside all day. We have a short window in late

Sounds about right. I’ve noticed with brands that use alphanumeric names people who drive them just tend to refer to them by their brand because they don’t actually what the numbers mean and they also don’t have them memorized. They’ll just say “I drive a BMW”, or “I have a Mercedes”.

There is apparently a part of the blackbox recording where the captain is screaming at him saying “open the damn door!!”.

Magus-21 turned the topic of the article into a joke about shorts and summer and quite frankly I found that more interesting than talking about Tesla.

Agreed. I hate summer. I don’t understand why so many people like it. It’s too hot outside to do anything without being drenched in sweat within 10 minutes and I hate having sweaty balls and swamp ass. July-August is my least favorite time of the year. 

Depends on how much knowledge of aviation you have. You can buy study level models of most commercial airliners for home flight simulator programs that simulate every system of the aircraft exactly as it would work in the real version of that aircraft. For example there is a payware version of the Dash 8 Q400 called

I knew that mechanics know how to start the planes they work on and usually are certified to taxi them as well but I didn’t know that ground agents are taught how to start the planes as well. 

In the ATC audio he talked about how he played video games that helped him fly the plane. I wonder if he had a copy of the Majestic Q400 that he practiced on. That’s a study level payware aircraft that accurately models every system the real Q400 has. But you’re absolutely right, he had to have an extensive knowledge

To be fair he could have made this a lot worse than it was. At least he chose to not take anyone else out with him, unlike that scumbag Germanwings first officer Andreas Lubitz who decided that 149 other innocent people were going to die with him that day.

Ironically, he jokes about being a white guy in the ATC audio.

This is such a crazy and sad situation. It’s hard to believe it’s even real. The barrel roll he did was unbelievable and the ATC audio is very surreal to listen to. I do feel sorry for him. I wish he would have gotten the help he needed. Unfortunately, sometimes we don’t know about the demons others are battling until

As long as those relationships happened in a state where the age of consent of 16 then who the fuck cares about his legal, consensual relationships? The 16 year old girls who chose to date him are just as much to blame as he is. Sounds to me like they voluntarily chose to date him. 

Free car washes? Was this a perk for every new Daewoo or just the dealer that you bought it from?

That’s just embarrassing. 

I kind of liked them too for some reason. It’s a shame that they tend to fall apart after around 70,000 miles or so. I can’t imagine it’s easy to keep one running these days either. 

A running and driving Daewoo Leganza? That beast needs to be tagged and documented!

Yeah it was. It’s kind of a shame that it was such a flop.