I don’t really understand why people love the way the new Camry looks so much. It’s overstyled and busy. I prefer the Mazda 6 and even the new Accord over the Camry’s styling.
I don’t really understand why people love the way the new Camry looks so much. It’s overstyled and busy. I prefer the Mazda 6 and even the new Accord over the Camry’s styling.
Honestly, no. They don’t make anything I’m dying to buy and their reputation for reliability and build quality isn’t that great.
Sounds to me like he needs to get the fuck over it.
I do understand that. My 1994 Ford Ranger wasn’t the nicest thing to drive around town. I swear that shifter had more in common with a Peterbilt than a car. But I still enjoyed it.
I can’t stand it when people moan about driving a manual in traffic. Almost every car in the world outside of North America is a manual, You don’t hear Europeans whining about driving a manual in traffic. We are so spoiled over here. In many parts of the world you don’t even get an automatic unless you ask for one,…
That’s actually a very odd looking dead pedal. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one that is raised off the carpet like that. Also, heel-toeing in that car looks almost impossible unless you have cruise ships for feet.
Yeah exactly and humans are not exactly known for thinking clearly or being rational in panic situations.
Well now I’m just jealous.
My biggest worry with this is that people will get too used to it and forget to use the actual brake pedal in emergency situations. Perhaps not though because it’s probably instinct for most drivers to smash the brake pedal anytime something goes pear shaped.
The narrator’s exaggerated voice really pissed me off. That trend needs to stop.
It technically already is illegal in some places....for trucks.
They still do that stuff, they just don’t start counting time until the car has moved forward 1 foot.
I agree. I think getting older is part of it for me, but I also find that driving a really fast car on public roads can be very frustrating because I often want to open it up and get on it and I realistically cannot do that 95% of the time without being a danger to myself and others. My 2015 Mazda 6 does 0-60 in about…
Yeah, I was stupid enough to put one on my 1997 Infiniti I30 about 9 years ago. It actually made the car slower. When I put the stock air box back on I noticed a difference in power . The car felt so much faster and more responsive. Probably because it wasn’t sucking in hot air from the engine bay anymore. On that…
“well I was going to buy a prius, but then I saw the 0-60 times on this vette, and knew that was the one for me!”
Certain Corvette drivers. They buy a Corvette and brag about how fast it is and then pussyfoot it around town like a Prius because they don’t want to beat on it.
Outside of a GMC Syclone there was no pickup in the early 90s that was doing 0-60 in ~5 seconds stock. Unless you actually had a Syclone I don’t believe that for one second. Most pickups back then were over 10 seconds to 60.
I’ve heard it called 0-60 “with rollout”
Some magazines also “cheat” even further by doing 0-60 times with a 1 foot roll out. If they don’t count time until the car has moved ~1 foot you actually shave a few tenths off of the 0-60 time because getting off the line is the slowest part of the whole 0-60.