Kent Allard

At least we’re finally getting Mr. Terrific, and I’m adding a new member to my JSA funko pop collection.

How did Josephine inspire such devotion in Napolean?

Fair enough.

Yep - The hypocrisy of this sudden need for privacy make Foxx a lot less likeable. If you make your living by milking a relationship with the public, then you have to understand that information flows both ways.

Shrinking your kids is believable, but audiences could not buy the outlandish sci-fi premise that someone would knowlingly procreate with Josh Gad.

Shrinking your kids is believable, but audiences could not buy the outlandish sci-fi premise that someone would knowlingly procreate with Josh Gad.

Thank you! The biggest accomodatelate that Christopher Reeve received as Superman was how distinctly he portrayed the two characters.

Just... a truly ill-conceived project that was likely borne from a consultant’s “total available market” slide capturing Latino audiences + superhero movie-goers, pro wrestling fans + listeners of Bad Bunny pop-hop.

What might be newsworthy is an accounting of the many, many hours that T. Swift’s legal and marketing teams spent weighing the pros and cons of this relationship.


Just curious... how did it (i.e. Grammar being an a$$hole) come through in his autobiography?

+ she cheated on Martin

When making references within your network, please be careful with your attempts to help. It’s been my personal experience that meet-and-greets go nowhere unless there’s an actively open role that might fit the candidate. The frustration of meeting with dead-end contacts had an adverse, long-lasting impact on some of


Came here to say this... Josh Gad must be someone’s son or nephew because he continues to work in Hollywood, despite being unfunny and repulsive on the level of James Corden.

There’s no surer sign of bias among the writing staff than refusing to acknowledge the biggest players in the room.

Well said!

That’s a point. The issue is that you can only go so far before things start to look weird. Otherwise, you end up with jaw implants like Kumail Nanjiani (confirmed) or Zach Efron (maybe).

Most of these guys weigh less than 180 lbs.

“...there is no such thing as intelligence either, at least in a biological sense.”