
Just got my 6+. Screen though on the Notes are still superior in my opinion, but I love the Apple ecosystem and how flawlessly things work if you are in a Mac central "universe".

I tried that with the Note 2. Took me about 4 days though and I went back to iOS. The Note 2 was fantastic, but then I realized how difficult it was to tie into Apple's ecosystem which I love. Everything that bridges that divide is just cobbled together and was very frustrating, so that's why I went back to Apple.

I would replace it if you do any web browsing. The jump from "4g" to LTE is considerable and worth the upgrade alone, by itself, with nothing else (at least on AT&T). If you do most of your browsing on wi-fi, then waiting till the 6s would be perfectly fine in my opinion. I'm upgrading to the 6+ from the 5.

Back then, and I remember back then because I flew "back" then, people didn't see flying as something like getting on a bus, which happens today. People dressed up and when you're dressed up, you tend to act with more restraint and better manners, imho. It also was more expensive to fly back then so you had a bit of

I use to love my walkman earphones, so light. They're still my favorite. These look really promising, but at $70, I wonder how good the drivers will be.

Primarily, my productivity apps. They were either non-existent or worse versions than what is on iOS. In addition, I'm so tied into iTunes, backups and iCloud that Android just had workarounds, not the "real" thing which makes it easier. Don't get me wrong, I really really liked that Note 2 I bought, but in the

I don't think its good odds, I think its certain odds. One doesn't have to be a fanboy to believe that.

I'll take that bet.

I tried to make that switch about 12 months ago. It didn't work out for me, the ecosystem is really unrivaled at the moment in Apple's favor.

"Unauthorized use or disclosure in any manner may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment (in the case of employees) termination of an assignment or contract (in the case of contingent staff), and potential civil and criminal liability."

One of the things I don't like about Tim Cook (there are a lot of things to like about him too) is that most all of what he says is too corporate. You can almost guess as to what his answer will be every time you hear the question. The only exception is when he is talking about Jobs.

And Autism just took another turn to the mysterious. I wish they could figure it out but it seems at every turn, it leads to a "rabbit" hole.

Thanks, I learn something everyday. I have no reference point about electro or house music, it wasn't around for when Disco I'm familiar with was created. I realize the genre changes over time but I only have that fixed period, 75-80', in my mind when I think of Disco.

For me, Windows 8 is GUI gone too far and these preview shots, especially the first one, seems like they are turning it down a bit but its still too far for me.

Maybe disco has been redefined today, but that doesn't sound anything like the Disco I grew up listening to in the 70's.

I'd say its R&B. I've never heard of the guy/group before, but I'm a huge fan of R&B and that song you linked to sounded very R&B to me. In fact, I think its borrowing some chords from The Commodores, but I can't quite pin it down yet.

Oh, well, that changes everything. /s BTW, archronos edited his original comment I see.

So you kept a 3 year old post in your "pocket", from a writer no longer writing for Giz, just so you could pull it out at an "opportune time" for you, and throw it into the face of another author completely unrelated to the original? That's sounds dreadfully burdensome to me.

Um, I've been on Giz longer than just about anyone, including the entire Giz staff. Show me any article since 2012 when any member of the staff has advocated on behalf of the publication that smaller screens were always superior. Just one. Apple sized up because Apple buyers have been asking Apple to size up. Giz

That's a 3 year old article from a writer no longer writing for Giz. Where have you been?