
My understanding is that Trump is now using a government issued cell phone. If the tweets are done through this cell phone, then the tweets belong to the US Government and therefore subject to FOIA, full stop. No other arguments really matter. If he is using a personal device to communicate, then he is doing

You’re correct in your memory on me on one point, but I’ve never been against nuclear energy. What I’m against is misinformation put out by the nuclear industry over the dangers and having first hand experience of what can happen after an accident, I feel its important that people understand the white-washing the

Stre, again, you are not being genuine. “It explicitly states that the reasons are being argued”. If I’m in a room with 100 scientists and 97 of them agree and 3 of them disagree with the other 97, its not accurate to report JUST that there is an argument. More accurate reporting is that there is a scientific

Stre, I remember when you your complaining about Gizmodo’s concern after Fukushima and how you dismissed that tragedy as not serious and that all the “scare mongering” was coming from anti-nuclear energy activists with an agenda to rid the world of nuclear power. I remember you waxing authoritatively that it was NO

I was too young as well, but I talked my mom into it :-) She probably thought it was like Star Wars, which I was a huge fan of at the time. To be honest, I knew nothing of it. I saw the movie posters with the big egg, computer typeface and the word Alien and figured it was a movie I must see being as I loved space

A retread of all the other Alien movies except Prometheus. I know Prometheus was much maligned, but I actually liked it and was looking forward to the trip to the creator’s planet. As someone that saw the first Alien’s in the theater in 1980 and has followed the series, I don’t care to see another retread. People

This is what you got wrong Juan: but if an ancient book, from a religious group that is not Christian says that porn is bad and watching it is a violation of God, then its ok......did I get that right?

No, you got that wrong.

They tried something similar in the 80's, though not with computers. Its unconstitutional, but Republicans will be Republicans. Wasting tax dollars passing laws that are found to be unconstitutional.

I’d like to see you drive 20 mph on black ice without wrecking.

When you hit ice, it won’t matter how slow you are driving if you don’t have studded tires and even with studded you need to drive carefully. You are going to loose traction. Black ice looks just like water on the road.

Jobs would have called Trump a bozo and left it at that.

Beyond that, why should Twitter curtail speech that the government wouldn’t? I get that they can, but why should they?

As a Southerner, the confederacy was garbage, just ask the slaves that toiled underneath those banners.

1:40 You got run the fuck over!

How I long for the old days of Gizmodo when comments like yours using disabled people and an instrument to insult others would get the banhammer.

We have the most powerful military in the world and the sequester by Congress is what I think you want to blame. However, our military is still too large.

Daffy, don’t be daft. No one mentioned Johns Hopkins which is a great school.