
Does the internet archive also archive it’s own self? That is the question I want answered!

In 2013, I cross posted something from Jezebel with some comments and you would have thought some people had lost their mind. It was one of those sitting in the drafts you pointed out a few days ago.

Two sides of the same coin now though in my opinion. Not a big fan of CBB at this point. I found myself quietly wishing Wisky or MSU would confirm all that is good about CBB.

She’s retitled it open thread. I think that’s what we’re missing over in WN, openness. I’ve certainly contained myself because of the sensibilities of those that complained when I complained about WN going milquetoast. WN was traditionally more risqué. Today, its very safe, but people want safe, no? Even if its

Whistler tips? Man that was around in the early 80’s, I had one on my Scirrocco and before that there were glass packs.

Should this be filed under Whitenoise?

MS ruling wasn’t really recent, but in both cases, when you control 90% of the market, you have a monopoly. Apple has how much of the smartphone market worldwide? 20%? In the case of the rejected apps, it wasn’t apps that were rejected, it was developer advertising a competitor’s product and even a monopoly is under

What industry does Apple have a Monopoly? If you went to a Microsoft owned store in a Mall, would expect them to be selling Macs alongside their own product?

“The app situation gets even more suspect as some developers have had their apps outright rejected because their app supports the Pebble platform—one of the few main competitors to the Apple Watch currently.”

Thor-Delta Rocket, could there be a better name for a rocket....Only Thor Rocket would be better!

The way I understand it is the EU has given a charge sheet which they have 10 weeks to respond. This is no longer an investigation which began in 2010. I could be wrong, but Reuters describes it as a charge sheet and says the investigation opened in 2010. Perhaps the way the EU describes it doesn’t have the same legal

Great skill in CAD designing, but in woodworking not so much. As a woodworker, I don’t find any inspiration in this unless he used a chisel to create these. Using a CAD program and a laser isn’t woodworking so much as it is computer drawing and cutting. A skill in its own right, but not one that can be called

Not sure if this joke is alive today, if so, sorry about that but here goes: “You know the last thing that goes through a bug’s mind when he hits the windshield? His ass!”

I’m white and I agree with you. The only white people complaining about him using the N word are white people that want to feel comfortable to use the N word too, and are looking for an excuse. However, I would say that his use of the word to describe another opponent did have a racial tinge to it. Not for using the N

No, its John Calidirty.

I guess as a teen back then, I didn't really see it as a teen movie but I see the original point.

The Last Starfighter wasn't a teen movie.

Thanks for the thorough reply. This answers a lot of my questions. I can tell when my wife has an orgasm (stomach contractions), but the vaginal contraction is not as strong anymore. I think a lot of men need to learn to let they’re wives do what they need to do as they age to achieve orgasm. I think older women know

iPhone fan here, but looking for future direction from Apple via Apple patents are about as useless as tits on a rooster.

Alissa, it doesn’t matter to a loving partner if its a stereotype or not. Women shouldn’t even worry or care about it. A ton of changes happen after birth, an enlarged or not enlarged vagina has little to do with sexual sensation or performance from a loving male’s perspective. I think the largest sex organ is the