
If iCloud is vulnerable, what about iTunes? If iTunes were to get a system wide breach like this, and it became public, it would destroy Apple in the short term because it would disrupt the trust that helps to sell its real product, its "ecosystem".

Jupiter's pressure on its surface is estimated at only 10 times that of the Earth, however, we know that life exists in the deepest parts of the ocean where pressure is 1,000 times as it is on the surface so I think life as we know it could exist.

"Does this mean it could hold life?" No it doesn't mean there is life, but it could hold life as we know it. Even if there is life, however, unless that life is intelligent and is giving off some form of communication (which we recognize), we'll never know if there is life there, at least none of us that are reading

Just had a duh moment. This wouldn't take any bandwidth in a CLOSED CIRCUIT TV SYSTEM.

I can see something like this being huge in the CCTV security market if they can get the price down, but it begs the question, how much bandwidth does this thing take to stream?

Here is my prediction:

I wouldn't imagine this is so much a MS issue as it is sticking an Intel chip into a tablet.

I only seem to post to instigate a pile on? Before you were complaining that I didn't post often enough and rhetorically asked why I had been absent all year? I'm not sure what I've done to deserve this bit of venom. I post the occasional rant, but I've also posted some of the most viewed posts on Whitenoise (I've

By the way, there is a shared story, not a link, on the first page of WN from Lauren. I note the irony too that she wrote:

k2b, there are cross posted content all over Gawker blogs, and I did write my own post along with the article. I could have easily posted a link, which is what I thought I was doing, but I was unaware that my sharing to WN in the manner that I did would import the whole article over. However, I still don't see a

k2b, the tradition of whitenoise is to express an opinion, or discuss anything one likes within community standards. Sharing a Jezebel (Gawker article) and expressing an opinion on what I find objectionable is a time honored whitenoise tradition. If you were trying to avoid the article, why did you click on my cross

Now that we've regulated all the long time, decade long time in my case, Gawker commenters to the grey area for some troll that just appeared on Jezebel, can we get certain sexist authors banned to the grey area too?

Sorry but those don't look similar at all.

Recent immigrants then? I'm sure they had a skill then that was required today that wasn't required 100 years ago.

Even though I'm a Mac guy, I'll miss Ballmer. He was such an easy target. He was also a founder of the PC revolution. Got to give him props for that!

Great, so if your a homeowner living downstream from a mercury using plant, you have no right to know that? How forward thinking. Republican politics are just fucking gross.

Unless you're a Native American, you're ancestors likely came here illegally by today's laws.

Fucking go away!

Central Air wasn't common in the 70's, even in the South so a home built in 1980 without AC wasn't uncommon, even down here. What has changed, is summer temps. They are much hotter than I remember them being on average in the 70's.

Bring back the star commenters would be a good start. Pinkies would be invisible to the general public. I don't know why Gawker decided to do away with us, but I think it was a mistake. I was never starred on Jezebel, but on other Gawker sites. Give the new star commenters the ability to place users in a ban