
"But, sadly, a shift from the bold styling of Windows 8 does, perhaps, seems increasingly inevitable."

I agree with everything you said, except one thing, with which I would just take issue on what you classify as crime: "Low socio-economic-status (SES) people commit more crimes than others."

I think I'd rather have the tiny hole than a bent photo caused by the clip over a an extended period the photo would have from hanging it with a paper clip.

Johnny Cash is very good.

This "redirect" sounds exactly like every early 80's band I can remember. Just fire up Pretty in Pink and you'll here at least 2 bands that sound exactly like this. God I love my decade, its the most copied sound of any decade.

Now playing

It's a disturbance in the force from Alderaan.

The rules weren't being followed in either case.

I'm sorry, is there a problem with supply outstripping demand? Tell me, what will happen to the price and supply of oil if there is no drilling on the Atlantic coast? Nothing is the answer.

No female soldiers? There were 300,000 women that joined US forces during WWII. Turn the volume down on Rush Limbaugh and read a book about the real history of WW II. BTW, women have been involved in every single war ever waged by mankind.

That's too bad because you missed a really entertaining, yet cheesy story.

If I was 27 years younger, this would hit home. :(

Negligence, gross negligence, is not a defense one can use for property destruction of this magnitude. If it occurs with individuals, they go to jail. With corporations, nope. Therefore, by your own measures, corporations are not persons subject to criminal gross negligence, only the sentient persons that run them.

We too have our share of dirt stupid pond scumming human debris in charge now also. This is a recent phenomenon though through gerrymandering and now voter disenfranchisement. As proof, look at the most crazy district map in the US which was created to segregate all of the black vote in the central part of NC. This

What executive went to jail over Deep Water or Exxon Valdez? When was the last executive that went to jail over worker safety? BTW, executives are people. Corporations are not. When was the last corporation thrown into jail? Answer: Never because you can't throw a legal construct or something that isn't sentient

I've been involved in the Autism community for 11 years, I don't need to do any further research into AS.

First off Dallas, you need to learn to read as I made no such claims and your questions are asking me to prove a negative, something I cannot do. I can neither prove deaths have been caused by seismic surveys anymore than you can prove deaths haven't been caused by seismic surveys.

Says the man from Dallas with no offered evidence of refutation.

I was alive in the 70's and remember the oil embargo. It was a shock at the time, but it couldn't happen today for many many reasons.

They won't be paying taxes to the states but to the Federal government because of the location of the proposed drilling. My state, NC, won't receive a dime of tax money from these "persons". BTW, when a corporation can go to jail for a crime, then they can be considered "persons". The "law" didn't recognize

I happen to live here in NC and have followed what the Oil lobby has been trying to do. This isn't about jobs. The people who live on the coast are not for this. NC beaches are some of the most visited in the world, we don't need any chance of an oil spill. The state of NC will receive nothing from these drills