
The first iPod Nano was better than all the others released afterward.

Unfortunately, illegal spying isn't thought of as a bipartisan issue, which it should. Congress should have never given Bush the authority to do this, which President Obama just extended. Once you give a branch of government the authority to do these types of things, then you have given every President the authority

This. This is why it's important that opposition against spying should be bipartisan.

Yes there were groups denied and delayed in getting approval. As far as a running tally? I don't know the number but it was significant enough to require some investigation.

Perhaps you haven't been following the news, but the IRS also targeted left wing groups as well.

No one would be surprised if Bush did this because no one had lofty expectations of Bush's morality.

All I see is Burning Chrome's avatar.

Samsung has been a criminal enterprise for a long time. This is just another example.

Perhaps copying it into photos from Tumblr or Facebook. Perhaps those two are paying for the app and that's why users get it free?

I see what you did there :-)

There are a great number of characters missing from the Mos Eisley bar scene.

Hal 9000.

Just enjoy the photo Rob, try not to be so anal retentive.

I'm only interested in if you hooked up with Rachel......GIGGITY!!!

You ceased to be amazed, which is in itself, sort of amazing come to think about it.

The corporate world is the same. Every year I have to take 40 hours of continuing education about the exact same material, year in and year out. Fortunately, I can go directly to the assessment and waste my time answering the same questions year after year, but I don't have to suffer through the "educational"

All hackers and spies aren't Russian, but the good looking ones are. As evidence, I offer you Anna Chapman.

If it prevents this, take my money!