
En Retard must be used with a verb, not a pronoun. When used with a pronoun, it has the same meaning in French as it does in English.

Do you love or care for someone that is mentally retarded? Are you friends with someone that is black and do you get offended when you hear the word nigger used by someone not black to describe your friend?

"You Retard" is innocuous? Who says?

If the bottle cap said "You Nigger" ,"You Chink", "You Faggot" or "You Spic" and the person was white of European descent and heterosexual, then they shouldn't bring these epitaphs to the attention of Coke either I suppose?

What truth did you point out Klan?

Karma has a way of visiting itself on folks that are insensitive. Before having a son with autism, I frequently used the word Retard. Coke did the right thing. It's a small thing, but if we can remove that word from casual use, it will positively affect how society views those with developmental disabilities, and

Maybe I can promote you?

Fuddruckers stomps Five Guys. :-)

I'm a Canon caught me!

So who has the brown glossy fingernails? Mario or Nick?

The clear loser in this bunch is the Galaxy S4. Has Samsung ever put a decent camera in any of it's smartphones?

Pulling the phone out of a pocket and using the power button to unlock does seem natural. You can turn off TouchID though and it should still work the same, no?

I'm pretty sure that I don't keep up with parody Twitter accounts but I'm pretty sure I can tell the difference between a comedian doing an impression of the former President on a comedy show like SNL and the actual former President. I don't Tweet.

70 million people trying to update at once is probably going to be problematic. Kaz, Sony isn't as of yet any competition for either Apple, Samsung, Nokia or HTC. You have some nice looking phones, but riding Apple's jock for attention isn't very flattering for a company with such a proud tradition as Sony. I still

My father made a screen printer in the late 70's early 80's. It's extremely messy, time consuming and requires a lot of cleanup. Just don't do it.

Could be different in Windows.

Actually it is. You only have 2 choices if you install the GM without all the prior builds, set up as new device or restore from backup.

Gotcha. If you have been using 7 beta all along, then you just update. If you just installed the GM, your phone is completely erased and you don't get your data back until you restore.

If you have your account backed up to iCloud, that is where the restore occurred but I can assure you, the phone had a full erase. If you watched the phone while it was downloading the GM it said "erasing device". The developer released GM package requires a full restore from backup if you want all of your data