
I wonder how many people know the name of the guy that created it, who he sold it to, what he's doing now. Since that's cool to know.

Looks like Lorillard paid for that video with their product placement.

Eric, this part >"Getting permission from a supervisor but not explicitly from the people getting poop bacteria put in their brains" is incorrect. According to the link you gave, the neurosurgeons had the permission of the patients as well as the family of the patients.

I can't imagine these will go for over $1 million at the most. Depends on what the scrap metal price is worth though.

I was thinking the same thing. I use to dream of being an astronomer when I was a kid because of these breathtaking scenes. It all came crashing down when I looked through my first powerful telescope and all I saw was a black and white crab nebulae. I learned that the human eye will not see the same thing as a

Deal with it.

I appreciate that pic, I wonder how many of Giz's readers will understand the reference and cultural impact?

Not really a fan of these colors:

I like that prediction, but I do think the processor will be at least an A5.

Not sure why expandable memory is even a consideration anymore when there is cloud syncing. Perhaps you can give us a reason for local based memory as being superior over just using the cloud?

Hi, yes, its the Star icon.

PDD-NOS is not severe autism, it is the opposite, its not even autism and is so subtle in its presentation that it is no longer recognized by the DSM V. is run by ASAN, a fully discredited organization. The leader, Ari Ne'eman was never diagnosed as autistic, their legal counsel Meg Evans use to go by the name of Bonnie Ventura and wrote pedo literature under the name of Ventura33. Meg was never diagnosed with an ASD, lives in a $600k home in

PDD-NOS is no longer a designation under the DSM V. PDD-NOS is also one of the most mildest forms of ASD, not sure why you think its severe, its the opposite.

Jobs and Woz took a garage startup and made it into one of the largest computer companies in the world in the 80's, until he was ousted and then the company fell apart. He resurrected again in 1997. Now since his death, we see where Apple is going. The market doesn't have a lot of confidence in Tim Cook and Cook

Wrong. You are probably too young to remember, but Jobs made Apple Inc., with the help of Woz, into one of the largest tech companies in the world. That is how they were able to recruit Pepsico's CEO to come over to Apple.

Now playing

Self injurious behavior in classic autism disorder:

Now playing

I am on the spectrum as well, though not as severe as my son who has Classic AD. Classic AD is devastating and needs a cure and Autism Speaks is the only national charity that stands up for this group (kudos to Easter Seals too because they have also taken on this cause). The only people on the spectrum that don't

Woz, I know you don't have time to respond to everyone, but I hope you'll respond to this. I have an original Apple I board my father bought. I would like to give it to charity to auction off. Do you have a charity you would recommend? I was thinking of Autism Speaks.

MacBook Air price is actually $899.