
Why no remote wipe?

Because of idiot IT people.

I made it to 3:16 and I'm pretty proud of myself for that.

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This has already been done to a certain extent and it was horrible. I remember watching this on TV when I was 11 years old and my 11 year old self vomited in my mouth.

Yep, they can act as servers as well. In fact there are a number of server farms running mac mini's. Its not an Apple concentration or even a desire to be big in servers, but yes, you can run servers with Macs.

Even this Apple fanboy knows this is not a real threat to most users of Android and I recognize link bait when I see it.

Looks like those HTC Windows phones.

I do wish Apple would make a phone exactly that size. I really can't tell much of a difference from the 4s and the 5. Also, copy Android more please and give us more control and options for our devices.

Will they rename it the Boeing Jerry-rigged?

Let's not blame this on all of Tennessee. This is the work of conservative Republicans.

Overpriced at $40. I'll stick with 7. I see no real reason to upgrade if you don't have a touchscreen computer. Yeah, some say its faster, but that isn't worth the trade off in my view. I'm not sure if I'd even "upgrade" if it were free and falling PC sales shows the market isn't really enthused with this OS

Well played Google. Nice.

Good luck with your BB. Check back with us in 2 years after your contract ends and let us know how happy you are with the Z10.

My employer, 8000 employees, just made an announcement that they will no longer support BB even if you purchase it yourself. Going forward, they will only support iOS and Android and Windows Phone. They don't want to pay BB for the server.

Nailed it.

The only victim is the one that lays down and says, well, its inevitable, I might as well enjoy it. You've given up because you don't know any other way. Thats what these corporations have taught you. To be a passive and even an active victim. It is not a win/win, that's what you don't get.

Zuckerberg and the Google guys aren't a part of my generation, they are millenials.

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"Freedom of anonymity? I don't know of any such freedom. " ___That's sad, but typical of your generation. You don't know there was at one time another way, another internet, where we were all anonymous and thus completely free.

Millenials are driving this invasion of privacy by their inaction. Instagram doesn't need to know your real identity. Facebook doesn't need to know your real identity. This recent generation is giving up the freedom of anonymity. There is a lot of power in being anonymous and my generation gave it to you on the