
If you believe this story wasn't concocted by a marketing department, I have a bridge.....

Really? This is pathetic. There is no other word for it, than pathetic.

You've never lived with someone with a disability, have you?

LOL. Saved to favorites.

I haven't used the Lighting cable, but I have used micro USB's and I detest them. I'm probably a bit older than you and when you get older, having to put those tiny cables into devices is something I'd rather skip if I could. I'm at a point in my life where a few hundred dollars means very little. If I were in my

In this case, if you need an extra cable, it appears it pays to spend an extra $10 on the official cable. I think you'd be dumb not to at this point. I've never made an OS purchase based on $30 or even $50.

What does your profession have to do with your smartphone OS choice?

This does look to have some potential and I give MS credit for trying something new. It might be fantastic when the 3rd generation comes out. I'll keep my eye on the development. I do like some of the ideas here a lot more than what is currently offered in iOS6.

I found a few of these very believable, such as the one where the seagull snatched the phone. I routinely feed seagulls at the beach from my hand and they are amazing birds. He probably wanted to play Angry Birds to see what the fuss was all about.

This is not caching, its tiered blocking, completely different animal.

The fusion drive is NOT CACHING, it's tiered blocking, completely different. Tiered blocking isn't new, but its not been done in a consumer PC before, I believe. Its typical of enterprise servers. The entire application is stored on the SSD, not a cache of the application.

Why in the world would you want to put in an SSD drive when you can get their fusion drive, which is a previously only enterprise tiering drive. This is the first consumer one I've seen available. Its much better than any off the shelf SSD you can get primarily because it is large enough to put the most used files

While I don't agree with the sentiment, I did find this one funny:

I don't think Apple will because MS will be getting 30% of the revenues from iTunes purchases.

I think Giz should change its name to Limerzodo.

No it's not. I've got it and its a pretty dumb UI. However, lets see what happens when its released and you get average Joe's giving their personal experience.

Thats a smart 3 year old. However, he's not use to Windows and isn't confused by older paradigms. The only thing great about this video is this kid, whom is pretty smart.

If I'm going to rob you and I know your packing, I'm going to shoot you and then take your phone from your dead corpse.

"How Many Social Networks Do You Actively Use?"

Sorry you own a Samsung Nexus. Maybe next time you can graduate to the real thing :-)